如何知道自己的fastq文件中是 phred33还是phred6

如何知道自己的fastq文件中是 phred33还是phred6

作者: 笺牒九州的怪咖 | 来源:发表于2022-03-21 15:48 被阅读0次


Sanger,Phred quality score,值的范围从0到92,对应的ASCII码从33到126,但是对于测序数据(raw read data)质量得分通常小于60,序列拼接或者mapping可能用到更大的分数。
Solexa/Illumina 1.0, Solexa/Illumina quality score,值的范围从-5到63,对应的ASCII码从59到126,对于测序数据,得分一般在-5到40之间;
Illumina 1.3+,Phred quality score,值的范围从0到62对应的ASCII码从64到126,低于测序数据,得分在0到40之间;
Illumina 1.5+,Phred quality score,但是0到2作为另外的标示,详见http://solexaqa.sourceforge.net/questions.htm#illumina
Illumina 1.8+


http://maq.sourceforge.net/qual.shtml <quality value>

http://maq.sourceforge.net/fastq.shtml <fastq format>


$ testformat.sh in=you.fq.gz
/home/xxx/softwares/bbmap/testformat.sh in=$fq1 | cut -f 1 > fastq.format


# phred=""
for line in $(cat fastq.format); do phred=$line; done
if [ $phred=="sanger" ]
    echo "sanger"
    echo "not sanger"


zcat your.fastq.gz | head -100 | awk '{if(NR%4==0) printf("%s",$0);}' |  od -A n -t u1 | awk 'BEGIN{min=100;max=0;}{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) {if($i>max) max=$i; if($i<min) min=$i;}}END{if(max<=74 && min<59) print "Phred+33"; else if(max>73 && min>=64) print "Phred+64"; else if(min>=59 && min<64 && max>73) print "Solexa+64"; else print "Unknown score encoding!";}'  #这个对SRA转的fastq无法判断


 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use List::MoreUtils qw( minmax );
# fastq_detect.pl fastq.file sample-size
# detect fastQ format from quality scores in fastQ input file
# Version 3
# Stephane Plaisance - VIB-BITS - July-04-2012
# Joachim Jacob - Aug-02-2012 - joachim.jacob@gmail.com
# - changed the maximum value of Sanger to 73
# - changed reading the file with a file handle
#   (was a file handle !! supporting several archive formats. SP)
# - changed the diagnosing algoritm
# Stephane Plaisance - VIB-BITS - April-08-2013
# - merged both versions and corrected flaw in min/max
# thanks to Sergey Mitrfanov for perl reformatting
# diagnose
#   SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.....................................................
#   ..........................XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX......................
#   ...............................IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII......................
#   .................................JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ......................
#   LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL....................................................
#   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
#   |                         |    |        |                              |                     |
#  33                        59   64       73                            104                   126
# S 0........................26...31.......40
# X                          -5....0........9.............................40
# I                                0........9.............................40
# J                                   3.....9.............................40
# L 0.2......................26...31........41
#  S - Sanger        Phred+33,  raw reads typically (0, 40)
#  X - Solexa        Solexa+64, raw reads typically (-5, 40)
#  I - Illumina 1.3+ Phred+64,  raw reads typically (0, 40)
#  J - Illumina 1.5+ Phred+64,  raw reads typically (3, 40) with 0=unused, 1=unused, 2=Read Segment Quality Control Indicator (bold)
#  L - Illumina 1.8+ Phred+33,  raw reads typically (0, 41)
my $script = basename($0);
@ARGV gt 0 or die "usage: $script <fastq file> <opt:sample-size (100)>\n";
my ($inputfile, $limit) = @ARGV;
if (! defined $limit) { $limit = 100}; # check first 100 records
my $cnt=0;
my ($min, $max); # global min and max values
# print STDERR "\n## Analysing ".$limit." records from $inputfile ... \n";
my $z = ReadFile ($inputfile) || die "Error: cannot read from variant file $inputfile: $!\n";
## parse
while (my $id = <$z>) {
    $id =~ m/^@/ || die "expected @ not found in line 1!\n";
    my $seq = <$z>;
    my $sep = <$z>;
    $sep =~ m/^\+/ || die "expected + not found in line 3!\n";
    my $qual = <$z>;
    $cnt>=$limit && last;
    # char to ascii
    my @chars = split("", $qual);
    my @nums = sort { $a <=> $b } (map { unpack("C*", $_ )} @chars);
    if ($cnt==1) {
        ($min, $max) = minmax @nums;
    } else {
        my ($lmin, $lmax) = minmax @nums; # local values for this read
        $lmin<$min ? $min=$lmin : $min=$min;
        $lmax>$max ? $max=$lmax : $max=$max;
undef $z;
## diagnose
my %diag=(
            'Sanger'        => '.',
            'Solexa'        => '.',
            'Illumina 1.3+' => '.',
            'Illumina 1.5+' => '.',
            'Illumina 1.8+' => '.',
my %comment=(
            'Sanger'        => 'Phred+33,  Q[33; 73],  (0, 40)',
            'Solexa'        => 'Solexa+64, Q[59; 104], (-5, 40)',
            'Illumina 1.3+' => 'Phred+64,  Q[64; 104], (0, 40)',
            'Illumina 1.5+' => 'Phred+64,  Q[66; 104], (3, 40), with 0=N/A, 1=N/A, 2=Read Segment Quality Control Indicator',
            'Illumina 1.8+' => 'Phred+33,  Q[33; 74],  (0, 41)',
if ($min<33 || $max>104) { die "Quality values corrupt. found [$min; $max] where [33; 104] was expected\n"; }
if ($min>=33 && $max<=73)  {$diag{'Sanger'}='x';}
if ($min>=59 && $max<=104) {$diag{'Solexa'}='x';}
if ($min>=64 && $max<=104) {$diag{'Illumina 1.3+'}='x';}
if ($min>=66 && $max<=104) {$diag{'Illumina 1.5+'}='x';}
if ($min>=33 && $max<=74)  {$diag{'Illumina 1.8+'}='x';}
## report
# print STDERR "# sampled raw quality values are in the range of [".$min."; ".$max."]\n";
# print STDERR "# format(s) marked below with 'x' agree with this range\n";
foreach my $format (sort keys %diag) {
    #print STDERR sprintf("  %-13s : %2s  [%-30s] \n", $format, $diag{$format}, $comment{$format});
    if ($diag{$format} eq "x") {print "$format\n"}
#### Subs ####
# reads from uncompressed, gzipped and bgzip fastQ files
sub ReadFile {
    my $infile = shift;
    my $FH;
    if ($infile =~ /.bz2$/) {
        open ($FH, "bzcat $infile |") or die ("$!: can't open file $infile");
    } elsif ($infile =~ /.gz$/) {
        open ($FH, "zcat $infile |") or die ("$!: can't open file $infile");
    } elsif ($infile =~ /.fq|.fastq|.txt$/) {
        open ($FH, "cat $infile |") or die ("$!: can't open file $infile");
    } else {
        die ("$!: do not recognise file type $infile");
    return $FH;

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I`m a line ! Thanks !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




    本文标题:如何知道自己的fastq文件中是 phred33还是phred6
