
作者: Gottabekidding | 来源:发表于2017-04-10 09:21 被阅读0次

The Amazon, an extraordinary company,  takes a leading position in cloud computing. It will spend more on television and physical products.

However, Amazon has just started to build its empire with an jumping share price.

As shareholders expect both a rise in revenue and profits , it receives sceptism, questioning whether it could possibly achieve that.

While expanding its business, the rivals, such as Microsoft and Walmart, are making their way out. Facing fierce competitions, what are that odds that Amazon could attain its ambitious goals?

Instead of only concentrating on the company's short-term results, Amazon focuses on the distant horizon. Its two principal businesses are e-commerce and AWS. The chain effect brings Amazon more cash, therefore, more shoppers.

The faith in the business model is needed, and spending will make itself more powerful, although with certain failures. So large a wingspan, Amazon is more like a conlongamate rather a retailer.

AWS plays an important part in Almazon's expansion. By renting its warehouses to sellers and using drone deliveries, Amazon could become a new unity.

With the Amazon's expansion, chances are that it will trigger antitrust action as it will attract attention from regulators. But Amazon receives applaud from consumers, which makes Amazon appear pristine when it comes to its effect on consumers and pricing.

The regulators are changing how they think about technology, and also, Amazon's business model is encouraging them to think differently.

There is a potential for Amazon to become a unity, but that may arouse its conflict with the government once it is regulated as one.

1. cloud computing

2. physical products

3. Voice-activated

4. on the premise that

5. share price

6. in the preceding two years

7. in the two previous years

8. Neverbefore has a company been worth so much for so long while making so little money

9. tick off

10. Pitfalls (a problem or difficulty that is likely to happen in a particular job, course of action, or activity.

11. Walmart already has revenues nudging $500bn and is beefing up online

12. the distant horizon

13. whinge about (to keep complaining in an annoying way)

14. virtuous circle (良性循环)vicious circle(恶性循环)

15. entice

16. Whirl around

17. retain the faith

18. So longasshareholdersretain theirfaith in thismodel, Am-azon’sheadyvaluation resemblesa self-fulfillingprophecy.

19. heady(very exciting in a way that makes you feel as if you can do anything you want to)

20. Debacle( an event or situation that is a complete failure)

21. Crank out

22. Wingspan

23. Conglomerate( a large business firm consisting of several different companies)

24. Reminiscent ( it reminds you of it)

25. drone deliveries(无人机服务)

26. From computing power to payments to logistics.

27. Pristine (appear pristine)

28. See through this Lens

29. Well regarded 被看重的

30. adjacent businesses

31. predatory pricing( if a company practices it, it charges a much lower price for its products or services than its competitors in order to force them out of the market


