Play Matters——会玩至关重要
On Thinking Playfully
Many people find video games exhilarating, but it can be just as interesting toponder why that is so. What do video games do? What can they be used for? Howdo they work? How do they relate to the rest of the world? Why is play both soimportant and so powerful?
Our basic assumption is simple: video games are such a flourishing medium that any new perspective on them is likely to show us something unseen or forgotten,including those from such unconventional voices as artists, philosophers, or specialists in other industries of fields of study. These books are bridge builders, cross-pollinating both areas with new knowledge and new ways of thinking。
At its heart, this is what playful thinking is all about: new ways of thinkingabout games and new ways of using games to think about the rest of the world.
Play Is
Think about play, and what it means to you
What comes to minds? A pastime? Games? Childhood activitise? The opposite of work? Asource for learning? What you’d rather be doing now?
Think again: how much do you know about play?
Let’s start with a simple exercise. List your daily activities,the tasks thatstructure your day, from work to leisure to those things you have to do that are neither,yet you have to do them.
How do you do these tasks? If you are happy and well rested, you may approach yourday in a playful way, enjoying what you do. Happiness may give you time toplay, to live in a different way. The temptation of enjoying and living life through play, of having fun, is always present.
To play is to be in the world. Playing is a form of understanding what surroundsus and who we are, and a way of engaging with others. Play is a mode of being human.
We live in exciting times. You might have encountered the argument that games are now everywhere; that intellectuals, artists, policymakers, and institutions are games for serious and trival purposes. You might have also read that games willbe “the dominant cultural form of the XXI Century.” There is even talk among game developers of the twenty-first century being “the ludic(ai in,play-centric) century.”
I disagree, to a certain extent. Games don’t matter. Like in the old fable, weare the fools looking at the finger when someone points at the moon. Games arethe finger; play is the moon.
What is true is that play is a dominant way of expression in our First World societies. We play games, but also with toys,on playgrounds,with technologies and design. And play is not justthe ludic, harmless,encapasulated, and positive activity that philosophers have described. Like any other form of being, play can be dengerous; it can behurting, damaging, antisocial, corrupting. Play is a manifestation of humanity,used for expressing and being in the world.
To understand what play is, I propose here a portable theory, or rhetoric, of play. Instead of deriving an understanding of play from a particular object oractivity, like war, ritual, or games, I see play as a protable tool for being. It is not tied to objects but brought by people to the complex interralations with and between things that form daily life.
Why propose a theory of play now? in our culture, playful has become a positiveword. The auther of the 2011 biography of Steve Jobs uses playful as a word ofpraise for the design of Apple computers, originally conceived to contrast withdull corporate machines. Apple’s “playful” design appropriated cues from an understanding of play as a personal expression: beauty, countercultural politics, and moral values. That is the value and place of play in our culture.
Despite its importance, we are still trying to understand play with models inheritedfrom the past. Our theories are mostly derived from the work of Dutch cultural historian Johan Huizinga, who famously coined the concept of Homo Ludens. This book is not written in the tradition of Huizingan play, understood as a faircontest that creates a sepatate world with rules that are never questioned. The nature of play I am advocating for here is different from that of Huizinga.
尽管如此重要,我们依旧希望能从过去的模式中找到理解玩的方法。我们的理论很大程度上来自荷兰文化历史学家Johan Huizinga,他以定义了“游戏的人”这一概念而著称。在Huizinga的理论中,玩是一种根据某种特定不必质疑的规则创造出的独立体系下的公平赛事,显然我们书中的玩并不是根据传统的Huizinga理论来进行的,在这里所说的玩的性质与Huizinga大相径庭。
I am not going to oppose play to reality, to work,to ritual or sports because it exists in all of them. It is a way of being in the world, like languages,thought, faith, reason, and myth.
And play is not necessarily fun. It is pleasurable, but the pleasures it createsare not always submissive to enjoyment, happiness, or positive traits. Play can be pleasurable when it hurts, offends, challenges us and teases us, and evenwhen we are not playing. Let’s not talk about play as fun but as pleasurable,opening us to the immense variations of pleasure in this world.
Play can be dangerous too. It can be addicting and the destructive and may lead to different types of harm-phyical injuries, lost friendships, emotionalbreakdowns. Play is a dance between creation and the destruction, between creativity and nihilism. Playing is a fragile, tense activity, prone tobreakdowns. Individual play is a challenge to oneself, to keep on playing. Collectiveplay is balancing act of egos and interests, of itself and of its players. Play is always on the verge of destruction, of itself and of its players. And that is precisely why it matters. Play is a movement between order and chaos. Liketragedy, it fulfills its expressive purpose when it manages a fragile,oscillating balance between both. This echoes the concept of dark play,exploring the boundaries between play and not play, between performance andsecrecy. Dark play, with its potential dangers and exhilarating results, isanother example of the nature of play as a way of being in the world-adangerous one.
Play is carnvalesque too. Play appropriates events, structures and institutions tomock them and trivialize them, or make them deadly serious. The carnival of the Middle Ages, with its capacity to subvert conventions and institutions in asuspension of time and power, was a symptom of freedom. Carnivalesque playtakes control of the world and gives it to the players for them to explore,challenge, or subvert. It exists; it is part of the world it turns upside down.Through carnivalesque play, we express ourselves, taking over the world to laugh at it and make sense of it too.
Think about the famous Twitter bot-not-bot horse-ebooks. Initially a spam bot, then a piece of automatic found art, and finally a piece of performance art,Horse-ebooks is the perfect example of carnivalesque-dangerous play and playfulness in the age of computing machinery. By taking over a social situation and technology, this (not)-bot-come-art piece played with ourexpections, broke our hearts, and showed us a new way of seeing the world and understanding ourselves. Horse-ebooks was appropriated by a performance artist Jacob Bakkila teased our perception of Twitter and the technologies to which were lingquish our entertainment. The sense of betrayal that some felt whoHorse-ebooks was revealed to be human can be understood only as an example ofcarnivaleaque dark play and the ways in which it can painfully enrich ourlives.
回顾一下著名的推特bot-not-bot Horse-ebooks事件。起初只是一个发送垃圾信息的木马程序,然后变成了一种自动发现的艺术,最后变成了一种表演艺术形式。Horse-ebooks事件是电脑时代狂欢式玩乐和娱乐性的完美案例。通过某种特定的社交场景,加上技术手段,这种“源自机器的艺术”让玩的同时,迎合了某些预期,打破内心深处顾虑,给了一个新的视角来理解自己。Horse-ebooks是由表演艺术家Jacob Bakkila运营的,巧妙抓住了人们对于Twitter的依赖,它已经成了人们所有的娱乐活动了。在Horse-ebooks事件给人造成的那种背叛感觉,作为一种狂欢式隐形玩乐的结果更容易让人理解,这也痛苦的感觉也是一种丰富生命的方式。
This is also not a theory of play through games. Games donot matter that much. Theyare a manifestation, a form of and for play, just not the only one. They are the strongest form, culturally and economically dominant. But they are part of an ecology of playthings and play contexts, from toys to playgrounds, from political action to aesthetic performance, through which play is used forexpression. The book explores this ecology, from conventional computer andboard games to sports, activism, critical engineering, interaction design,toys, and playgrounds. Play is the force that ties these design, toys, and playgrounds. Play is the force that ties these cultural expressions togetherand makes them matter.
I am aware of both my ambition and the obvious limitations of what I can do. Mine is a ramantic theory (or rhetoric) of play, based on an idea of creativity and expression that has been developed in the highly postromantic culturalevironment of the early twenty-first century. I write this theory of play as a reaction to the instrumentalized, mechanistic thinking of play championed bypostmodern culture industries. This is a theory that acts as a call to playful arms, an invocation of play as a struggle against efficiency, seriouness, andtechnical determinism.
If and when this era passes, my theory will be rendered obsolete. But right now,we need to think about play matters and reclaim play as a way of expression, a way of engaging with the world—not as an activity of consumption but asan activity of production. Like literature, art, song, and dance; like politics and love and math, play is a way of engaging and expressing our being in theworld.
In fact, play is a fundamental part of our moral well-being, of the healthy andmature and complete human life. Through play we experience the world, weconstruct it and we destroy it, and we explore who we are and what we can say. Playfrees us from moral conventions but makes them still present, so we are awareof their weight, presense, and importance.