package com.example.baselibrary.baseActvity.dialog;
import android.app.Dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ListView;
import com.example.baselibrary.R;
* Created by 廖成康 on 2017/4/26.
public class AlertDialog extends Dialog
private AlertController mAlert;
public AlertDialog(Context context, int themeResId)
super(context, themeResId);
mAlert= new AlertController(this,getWindow());
* 设置文本
* @param ResId
* @param text
public void setText(int ResId,CharSequence text)
* 设置getView方法
* @param ResId
* @param
* @return
public T getView(int ResId)
return mAlert.getView(ResId);
* 设置点击事件
* @param ResId
* @param listener
public void setOnClickLisnter(int ResId,View.OnClickListener listener)
public static class Builder
public final AlertController.AlertParams P;
* Creates a builder for an alert dialog that uses the default alert
* dialog theme.
* The default alert dialog theme is defined by
* {@link android.R.attr#alertDialogTheme} within the parent
* {@code context}'s theme.
* @param context the parent context
public Builder(Context context)
this(context, R.style.dialog);
* Creates a builder for an alert dialog that uses an explicit theme
* resource.
* The specified theme resource ({@code themeResId}) is applied on top
* of the parent {@code context}'s theme. It may be specified as a
* style resource containing a fully-populated theme, such as
* {@link android.R.style#Theme_Material_Dialog}, to replace all
* attributes in the parent {@code context}'s theme including primary
* and accent colors.
* To preserve attributes such as primary and accent colors, the
* {@code themeResId} may instead be specified as an overlay theme such
* as {@link android.R.style#ThemeOverlay_Material_Dialog}. This will
* override only the window attributes necessary to style the alert
* window as a dialog.
* Alternatively, the {@code themeResId} may be specified as {@code 0}
* to use the parent {@code context}'s resolved value for
* {@link android.R.attr#alertDialogTheme}.
* @param context the parent context
* @param themeResId the resource ID of the theme against which to inflate
* this dialog, or {@code 0} to use the parent
* {@code context}'s default alert dialog theme
public Builder(Context context, int themeResId)
P =new AlertController.AlertParams(context,themeResId);
* Sets a custom view to be the contents of the alert dialog.
* When using a pre-Holo theme, if the supplied view is an instance of
* a {@link ListView} then the light background will be used.
* Note:<4> To ensure consistent styling, the custom view
* should be inflated or constructed using the alert dialog's themed
* context obtained via {@link #getContext()}.
* @param view the view to use as the contents of the alert dialog
* @return this Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set
* methods
public Builder setContextView(View view) {
P.mView = view;
P.mViewLayoutResId = 0;
return this;
* 设置布局Id
* @param ResId
* @return
public Builder setContextView(int ResId){
return this;
* 设置文本
* @param ResId
* @param text
* @return
public Builder setText( int ResId,CharSequence text)
return this;
* 设置点击事件
* @param view
* @param listener
* @return
public Builder setOnClickLisnter(int view,View.OnClickListener listener)
return this;
* 设置宽度
* @return
public Builder fullWidth()
P.mWidth= ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;
return this;
public Builder fromButton(boolean isAnimation)
if (isAnimation)
P.mGrivity= Gravity.BOTTOM;
return this;
* 设置Dialog的宽高
* @param width
* @param height
* @return
public Builder setWidthAndHeight(int width, int height){
P.mWidth = width;
P.mHeight = height;
return this;
* 添加默认动画
* @return
public Builder addDefaultAnimation(){
P.mAnimations = R.style.dialog_scale_anim;
return this;
* 设置动画
* @param styleAnimation
* @return
public Builder setAnimations(int styleAnimation){
P.mAnimations = styleAnimation;
return this;
* Sets whether the dialog is cancelable or not. Default is true.
* @return This Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set methods
public Builder setCancelable(boolean cancelable) {
P.mCancelable = cancelable;
return this;
* Sets the callback that will be called if the dialog is canceled.
Even in a cancelable dialog, the dialog may be dismissed for reasons other than
* being canceled or one of the supplied choices being selected.
* If you are interested in listening for all cases where the dialog is dismissed
* and not just when it is canceled, see
* {@link #setOnDismissListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener) setOnDismissListener}.
* @see #setCancelable(boolean)
* @see #setOnDismissListener(android.content.DialogInterface.OnDismissListener)
* @return This Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set methods
public Builder setOnCancelListener(OnCancelListener onCancelListener) {
P.mOnCancelListener = onCancelListener;
return this;
* Sets the callback that will be called when the dialog is dismissed for any reason.
* @return This Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set methods
public Builder setOnDismissListener(OnDismissListener onDismissListener) {
P.mOnDismissListener = onDismissListener;
return this;
* Sets the callback that will be called if a key is dispatched to the dialog.
* @return This Builder object to allow for chaining of calls to set methods
public Builder setOnKeyListener(OnKeyListener onKeyListener) {
P.mOnKeyListener = onKeyListener;
return this;
* Creates an {@link AlertDialog} with the arguments supplied to this
* builder.
* Calling this method does not display the dialog. If no additional
* processing is needed, {@link #show()} may be called instead to both
* create and display the dialog.
public AlertDialog create() {
// Context has already been wrapped with the appropriate theme.
final AlertDialog dialog = new AlertDialog(P.mContext, P.mThemeResId);
if (P.mCancelable) {
if (P.mOnKeyListener != null) {
return dialog;
* Creates an {@link AlertDialog} with the arguments supplied to this
* builder and immediately displays the dialog.
* Calling this method is functionally identical to:
* AlertDialog dialog = builder.create();
* dialog.show();
public AlertDialog show() {
final AlertDialog dialog = create();
return dialog;
而我这里主要实现了什么东西呢?1.设置文本,2.设置监听事件,3.配置全屏 从底部弹出,动画等!!
package com.example.baselibrary.baseActvity.dialog;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.Window;
import android.view.WindowManager;
* Created by 廖成康 on 2017/4/26.
class AlertController
private DialogViewHelper mdialogViewHelper;
private AlertDialog malertDialog;
private Window mwindow;
public AlertController(AlertDialog alertDialog, Window window)
public void setMdialogViewHelper(DialogViewHelper dialogViewHelper)
* 设置文本
* 具体实现在DialogViewHelper
* @param resId
* @param text
public void setText(int resId, CharSequence text)
* 设置获取得到View
* @param resId
* @param
* @return
public T getView(int resId)
return mdialogViewHelper.getView(resId);
* 设置点击事件
* @param resId
* @param listener
public void setOnClickLisnter(int resId, View.OnClickListener listener) {
* 获取得到dialog
* @return
public AlertDialog getMalertDialog()
return malertDialog;
* 获取得到window
* @return
public Window getMwindow()
return mwindow;
* 一个媒介,从AlertDialog里面得到参数
public static class AlertParams
public View mView;
public int mViewLayoutResId;
public Context mContext;
public int mThemeResId;
public boolean mCancelable=true;
public DialogInterface.OnCancelListener mOnCancelListener;
public DialogInterface.OnDismissListener mOnDismissListener;
public DialogInterface.OnKeyListener mOnKeyListener;
// 存放字体的修改
public SparseArray mTextArray = new SparseArray<>();
// 存放点击事件
public SparseArray mClickArray = new SparseArray<>();
///设置宽度 自定义参数
public int mWidth= ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
//设置位置 自定义参数
public int mGrivity= Gravity.CENTER;
//设置高度 自定义参数
public int mHeight=ViewGroup.LayoutParams.WRAP_CONTENT;
public int mAnimations=0;
public AlertParams(Context context,int mThemeResId)
public void apply(AlertController mAlert)
DialogViewHelper viewHelper=null;
if (mViewLayoutResId!=0)
viewHelper=new DialogViewHelper(mContext,mViewLayoutResId);
if (mView!=null)
viewHelper=new DialogViewHelper();
if (viewHelper==null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("还没有设置布局");
int mtextsize=mTextArray.size();
for (int length=0;length
int mclicksize=mClickArray.size();
for (int i=0;i
///配置自定义效果 全屏 从底部弹出 动画
Window window=mAlert.getMwindow();
if (mAnimations!=0)
WindowManager.LayoutParams params=window.getAttributes();
package com.example.baselibrary.baseActvity.dialog;
* Created by 廖成康 on 2017/4/26.
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.SparseArray;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;
* Dialog 作为View的辅助类
class DialogViewHelper
private View mContextView=null;
//// 防止霸气侧漏
private SparseArray> mView;
public DialogViewHelper(Context context,int viewId)
mContextView= LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(viewId,null);
public DialogViewHelper()
mView=new SparseArray<>();
* 设置布局
* @param context
public void setContextView(View context)
* 获取布局
public View getmContextView()
return mContextView;
public T getView(int viewId)
WeakReference viewWeakReference=mView.get(viewId);
View view=null;
if (viewWeakReference!=null)
if (view==null)
if (view==null)
mView.put(viewId,new WeakReference(view));
return (T) view;
* 设置文本
* @param resId
* @param text
public void setText(int resId,CharSequence text)
TextView textView=getView(resId);
if (textView!=null)
* 设置点击事件
* @param ResId
* @param listener
public void setOnClickLisnter(int ResId,View.OnClickListener listener)
View view=getView(ResId);
if (view!=null)
