
作者: 宇宙公民安夫人 | 来源:发表于2020-06-12 20:21 被阅读0次

哇, 昨天下午與友人約好一起去爬山健行, 走到目的地時,天空還ㄧ片晴朗, 但隱約可以看到遠山烏雲密布似乎正在下著滂沱大雨, 正在猜測風向會將烏雲吹往哪個方向時,沒想到說時遲那時快..,不一會兒功夫,大片的烏雲便往我們的方向飄過來。

我和宇宙公民的創辦人Mei ,,看情勢不對,便拼命地往回家的方向跑...,但山路崎嶇蜿蜒, 任憑我們努力使勁地跑..,最終還是淋得一身落湯雞!

自知逃不過這傾盆而下的大雨,於是我索性去享受當下, 放慢腳步,並一邊環顧四周,一邊自顧自地禱告起來並讚美耶和華,謝謝祂雨降甘霖,讓這場微妙的大雨滋潤了大地。 奇妙的是,境隨心轉,忽然覺得這一刻的自己變得像孩童ㄧ樣地洋溢著幸福與感恩的心!

Wow, I went  hiking with my friend yesterday afternoon. When I reached my destination, the sky was still clear, but vaguely I could see the dark clouds in the distant mountains. It seemed that it was under heavy rain, and the wind was turning in the direction of the wind.  I didn't expect  it would be raining too soon before we back home .. After a while, a large cloud of clouds floated towards us.

  Mei, the founder of Universe Citizen, and I saw that the situation was wrong, therefore we ran desperately towards the direction of returning home..., but the mountain road was rugged and winding, and made  us hard to run.. In the end, it was still a mess!

  I knew I could not escape the downpour, so I simply enjoyed the moment, slowed down, and looked around at the same time, while praying and praised Jehovah, thanking him for the rain and the rain.  It's amazing that the situation changes with the heart, and suddenly feels like a child in this moment, filled with happiness and gratitude!


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