I have heard a beautiful sufi story.
A beggar came to an emperor and the beggarsaid, 'If you are going to give me anything there is a condition.' The emperorhad seen many beggars -- but beggars with conditions? And this beggar wasreally strange, a very powerful man. He was a sufi mystic. He had charm, acharisma, his personality had an aura. Even the emperor felt a little jealous.And conditions?!
The emperor said, 'What do you mean? Whatdo you mean by your condition?'
The beggar said, 'This is my condition: Iaccept only if you can fill my begging bowl absolutely.'
It was a small begging bowl. The King said,'What do you think I am? Am I a beggar? I cannot fill this dirty small beggingbowl?'
The beggar said, 'It is better to tell youbefore, because later you can get into trouble. If you think you can fill,fill.'
The King called his vizier and told him tofill it with precious stones: with diamonds and rubies, emeralds. Let thisbeggar know with whom he is talking! But then there was difficulty. The bowlwas filled but the king was surprised -- as the stone fell into it, it woulddisappear. It was filled many times and each time it was again empty. Now hewas in a great rage, but he told the vizier, 'Even if my whole kingdom goes, ifall my treasuries are emptied, let them be -- but I cannot allow this beggar todefeat me. This is too much.'
And all the treasures, it is said,disappeared. By and by the king became a beggar. It took months. And the beggarwas there and the king was there and the whole capital was there and everybodywas wondering what was going to happen, what would happen in the end.Everything was simply disappearing.
Finally the king had to fall at the feet ofthe beggar and he said, 'Forgive me, but before you leave just tell me onething. What is the secret of this begging bowl? All has disappeared in it.'
The beggar started laughing. He said, 'Itis made of human ego. I have made this begging bowl of a human ego: everythingdisappears in it, nothing ever fulfils it.'