A place where dreams can come tr

A place where dreams can come tr

作者: cppUncleSix | 来源:发表于2024-08-27 09:24 被阅读0次

    I am easily affected by recalling the past things, the emotion is easily aroused, causing me to get lost in fantasy, the past things would replay in my mind over and over again, it always wastes my time, like hours or even a whole day, and I can't resist doing so. I hate recalling!

    But this time it does not seem so bad. August is the students' summer holiday, my wife and daughter took the opportunity to go to Hangzhou City of Zhejiang Province for a trip a few days ago, they took some pictures and sent to me.

    I saw one of the pictures and then I got stuck in the memory of the past. The picture shows the Xihu with a bench beside it, which is a famous lake in Hangzhou City. 25 years ago, I bought a book on Delphi programming and sat on a bench by the lake, browsing the book and imagining that I would be a programmer in the future. By that time I had just graduated from college for one and a half year, my major was Machinery & Electricity Engineering, which was not related to computers, and I worked in a factory as an ordinary worker which was also not related to computers.

    After many years I was in Shenzhen, and the imagination beside the Xihu of Hangzhou many years ago came true, I have been a Delphi and C++ programmer for 20+ years by now. So I always say that Shenzhen is a place where dreams can come true.



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