/ 小伙伴们总有几位为没报上晨读而遗憾一阵,但对我来说,不是抢不抢得到的问题,而是自己想不想和能不能做到的事情,事实对我来说,也是高估了自己的能力,唯一能保证的是6点半能准时坐下来听课,每个工作日我平常都5点10分左右起床做早餐(女儿上初中,走读)。
其实至今我都有点遗憾没报第二期,因为那是“I Have a Dream”,虽已过不惑之年,但还是抱着对世界的一丝好奇心和一点求知欲,也许我这与梦想离了十万八千里。如果说有用,我还真说不什么,工作和生活嘛,都搭不上边,也许仅仅是因了圆那个专业的情结吧。人不是常做无用的事吗?一天被“老大”看到,被表扬认真,因为是英语的小说,虽然我看的是带注释版。
(二)是被要求退休时与Ralston的争执(11 章);
(三)是念阵亡名单时无人能解的落寞(14章He was a little pale when he sat down afterwards,aware that he had done something unusual);
(四)是年老后70岁还被需要时的激动(14章):He said to Rivers:'You see, I'm not a young man and I don't want people to — um — expect a lot from me. I'm like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere —— just a war-time fluke. A ranker —— that's all I am really.'。
getting on in years 渐渐老了
die a really natural death(希望自己以后也能仅仅是老死,没有大的病痛啊)
nice to meet you (初次见面时)与nice to meeting you(要说再见时,比较正式)
quite a …口语常用,表示真怎样
look down: 迎光检查;俯视
look down upon: 看不起;蔑视
let alone:不理, 不管〔惹〕, 不烦扰, 不干涉;更不用说, 还不算;let down 放下;使失望;辜负;减速下降;let go of 释放,放开;let in for 使卷入;let in on vt. 让…参与,与…分享;让…知道(秘密),告知;let it go at that 就此罢休,不再说;let it have its swing/let things slide 任其自然;live and let live待人宽容;和平共存;office to let办公室出租
cap胜过,超过 cap their joke
as clear as a bell极佳, 十分健康;as clear as crystal象水晶一样明澈;极其明白;as clear as day一清二楚;clear off摆脱;清除;走开;clear out走开;把…清出;[经]办理海关出口手续;clear the air使空气清新;消除误会;澄清事实;clear the way扫清道路;开路;clear up把…收拾整齐, 打扫干净;治疗, 治愈;处理, 完成;(天空)放晴;解释, 消除
taxe 作动词时是使用、耗尽的意思,形相近的词taxi
throw a faint/a game/a tantrum(发飙)/a fit (大发脾气)/a lease(退租)
ratio /'reʃo/
rationing /'ræʃənɪŋ/
usual /'juʒuəl/
all /ɔl/
question /'kwɛstʃən/
German,chairman,woman,human等的” man“部分发/mən/,superman/supɚmæn/是例外
come up ,back up等重音在小词上
(一)叶小静小伙伴复盘时,Eric老师给她的建议用”walking encyclopedia“时,当时我还没读懂,然后查到的例句:
He's like a walking encyclopedia of jazz music and history.
When you are getting on in years it is nice to sit by the fire and drink a cup of tea and listen to…(让我联想到以后自己如果身体还好的情况下退休生活)
The post-War decade swept through with a clatter of change战后十年一晃而过
You are a young man, Mr. chipping, and Brookfield is an old foundation. Youth and age often combine well. Give your enthusiasm to Brookfield and Brookfield will give you something in return.
Which was oddly incorrect; because Chips was not a bechelor at all. He had married; though it was so long ago that none of the staff at Brookfield could remember his wife.
For his marriage was a triumphant success. Katherine conquered Brookfield as she had conquered Chips; she was immensely popular with boys and masters alike.
But she had not always pleaded for leniency. On rather rare occasions she urged severity where Chips was incined to be forgiving. 'I don't like his type, Chips.He's too cocksure of himself. If he's looking for trouble I should certainly let him have it.
Where had they all gone to, he often pondered; those threads he had once hed together, how far had they scattered, some to break, others to weave into unknown patterns?(p118)
but instead of widening them to form a genuine inclusive democracy of duke and dustman, Rolston was narrowing them upon the single issue of a flat banking account.(p152)
11.20 Staefel / Eric was thirty years his junior, but the two men got on excellently.(p172)
From that last honor, within his reach at last, he shrank instinctively, feeling himself in so many ways unequal to it. He said to Rivers:'You see, I'm not a young man and I don't want people to — um — expect a lot from me. I'm like all these new colonels and majors you see everywhere —— just a war-time fluke. A ranker —— that's all I am really.'(p194)
He seemed so peaceful that they did not disturb him to say good-night; but in the morning, as the School bell sounded for breakfast, Brookfield had the news. "Brookfield will never forget his lovableness," said Cartwright, in a speech to the School. Which was absurd, because all things are forgotten in the end. But Linford, at any rate, will remember and tell the tale: "I said good-bye to Chips the night before he died. . .