Understanding of All Matters

Understanding of All Matters

作者: 宣雄民 | 来源:发表于2021-07-04 23:51 被阅读0次

The following content is written through the development of cognition in this vast universe and my personal experiences. It may or may not 100 % correct, if any mistake appears, please accept my apologies.

Ever since the Big Bang of the universe, all life forms that have emerged or have been appearing, which are amazing. A man, who is living in this 21 century, I feel incredibly lucky, for which it is an amazing era, therefore I decided to compile this short essay, which will describe and discuss some of the aspects that I have experienced and learned so far.

To commence with, let us explore the source of all life, this vast time and space. According to scientific research and Darwin's theory of evolution, at the beginning of the timeline, before all matters, there was only a tiny atomic element, and later on, the energy grew rapidly, at an appropriate moment, the small ball exploded, with the blast, a large number of elements with a different type of energies were spread out and the universe then formed initially. After several phases of variation in the prime universe, the prototype of Galaxies, and Solar systems were formed. Over time, it became all the current existence that we all know today.

Secondly, I would like to talk about humanity. It is actually quite simple, since we, the human species were came from ancient ape type, which later developed into homo sapiens, the only survival homo branch out of the four homo families. It has been experienced for millions of years until modern human beings emerge, and this is what we are today. In essence, humans are like any other form of mammals, they are animals, which there will be different tribes, conflicts, and empathy. There is something called "Advanced Intelligence", which only appeared upon the human species, it comes the central part of modern human society. For these reasons, we are complex beings, which are consist of original animal properties, as well as higher-tier wisdom.

Thirdly, it comes to the importance of knowledge, it must be mentioned, for it, the basis of all civilizations. From the development of ancient Egypt, Babylon, to East civilization, it all came from a matter of the advancement of know-how. For me, it is too lucky to be living in the current time, which is surrounded by full modern technology. With the emergence of high-performance computers and the internet of things, historical human knowledge(math, mechanism, etc.) is combining with modern technology, I am looking forward to a better future with the large progression of A.I.

Finally, to be able to think and reason in an appropriate way is also critical to our fate, especially under the current circumstances, where large countries are having conflicts all the time, we are facing serious issues, not even mention the global pandemic illness, as well as other crucial aspects, such as climate change, unstable ecosystem, deficiency of resources.

We need to cooperate together, put all our energy altogether, with the same kind of thinking as we could launch the rocket and land on the moon, pick up samples, and back the earth.

I wish blue earth still orbiting after many generations of all species.



      本文标题:Understanding of All Matters
