Week 02 Day 02
(…chapter 02结束)
kindle #365- /扇贝chapter 2第3节/有声音频(14:19-22:11)
- fall back on sb./sth.
to use something or depend on someone's help when dealing with a difficult situation, especially after other methods have failed(转而)依靠; 求助于; 借助于

Harry felt, afterwards, that he should have known it was all too good to last.
- reptile相关
crawl: to move on hands and kness 爬行;匍匐前进
slither: to move by sliding 滑动;(蜿蜒地)滑行
reptile: lizard, snake, cobra眼镜蛇, python巨蟒
- wrap sth. around sb./sth. 用……围住……
The snake could have wrapped its body twice around Uncle Vernon’s car and crushed it into a dustbin
- glistening 闪闪发光的
Dudley stood with his nose pressed against the glass, staring at the glistening brown coils.
有没有觉得英文读起来很有趣味呢,我们又学会了一个日常用语的表达方法呀,stand with your nose pressed against the glass

- tap: an act of hitting something lightly, especially to get someone's attention (尤指为了引起某人注意)轻轻敲击
- whine: to complain in a sad, annoying voice about something 哀诉
shuffle: to slide feet along the ground 拖着脚步走
intently: with keen attention 渴望的
tank: a large container for storing liquid or gas. 这里应作水池。
wink: to signal with one eye 眨(一只眼),使眼色
make sth happen to sb./sth 使某事发生在某人/某物上
I get that all the time.
- vigorously 强劲的,有力的
The snake nodded vigorously. 蛇用力的点点头。
- jab: to push a sharp thing quickly
The snake jabbed its tail at a little sign next to the glass. 蟒蛇甩着尾巴梦的拍了一下玻璃窗上的一块小牌子。
boa=boa constrictor : a large brown snake大蟒蛇
deafening shout
deafening: extrmely loud 震耳欲聋的
- waddle: to walk with short steps, with your body moving from one side to another - used especially about peope or birds with fat bodies and short legs (尤指体胖或腿短的人或鸟)
Dudley came waddling towards them as fast as he could.
- punch: to hit hard with one's hand 以拳重击
- sb could have sworn (that) ...
used to say that someone was sure about something but now they think they were wrong 某人当时非常肯定…〔但现在却不那样认为〕:
I could have sworn I had my keys. 我明明记得我带着钥匙。
gibber: to speak quickly in a way that is difficult to understand, especially because you are very frightened or shocked〔尤因害怕或受惊而〕说话急促不清
snap: if an animal such as a dog snaps, it tries to bite you〔狗等〕咬,噬:
[+ at ]
The dog started snapping at my heels. 这条狗开始咬我的鞋跟。
snap at有好多词义,我们学过的两个,你都记住了吗?(人)怒气冲冲地说;(动物)咬,噬。上面的例句画面感好强,大家把作业里课文的例句好好看看。
- sneak, risk doing sth
- sneak: GO SECRETLY 偷偷地走, [I always + adv / prep] to go somewhere secretly and quietly in order to avoid being seen or heard 偷偷地走,潜行,溜;
- risk doing sth.
to get into a situation where something unpleasant may happen to you 担…风险,冒…的危险; ⇨ endanger
Harry lay in his dark cupboard much later, wishing he had a watch. He didn’t know what time it was and he couldn’t be sure the Dursleys were asleep yet. Until they were, he couldn’t risk sneaking to the kitchen for some food.
- strain
...when he strained his memory during hours in his cupboard, he came up with a strange vision...
- strain的词条里有一个表示“尽力”的意思: MAKE EFFORT 尽力
to make an effort to do sth, using all your mental or physical strength 尽力;竭力;使劲
这样词汇书里的扭拉和这个尽力突然就能对上号了,拉啊扭啊都是费力的动作,引申到strain memory,那不就是拼命去想嘛!
I strained my ears (= listened very hard)to catch what they were saying. 我竖起耳朵去听他们在说些什么。
Necks were strained for a glimpse of the stranger. 大家伸长了脖子想看一看这个陌生人。
- knickerbocker glory 缤纷圣代
a dessert (= sweet dish)consisting of ice cream, fruit and cream in a tall glass

- knuckle 指关节
rapped the glass smartly with his knuckles
snooze: to sleep for a while (非正式)小睡,打盹
moan: to speak in a sad way(今日出现)
rib: curved bones in the chest 肋骨
concrete floor 水泥地板
hissing voice 嘶嘶声
amigo 朋友
- tantrum
再次混脸熟复习:tyke, tattletale,telltale
- 各种敲
hammer: to hit something many times, especially makeing a loud noise (尤指声音很响的)反复敲打
- 各种拍(既然前面说了敲,今天总结一下出现的轻拍)
beady eyes 上一次是描写弗农姨夫,这次说蛇~beady eyes are small, round and shiny
murmur: to say in a soft voice
jerk one's head 这是第三次扭头还是第四次?都记住了吧
shake one's head 摇头(今日)
jerk one's head 扭头(今日)
bow one's head (Day 03)
- 大家翻译一下这段哈利与蛇互动的这段内心戏描写。真是越看越喜欢。
Harry moved in front of the tank and looked intently at the snake. He wouldn’t have been surprised if it had died of boredom itself – no company except stupid people drumming their fingers on the glass trying to disturb it all day long. It was worse than having a cupboard as a bedroom, where the only visitor was Aunt Petunia hammering on the door to wake you up – at least he got to visit the rest of the house.
- snap at their heels有没有很形象?词条参见“重点词汇第21条”。
As far as Harry had seen, the snake hadn't
done anything except snap playfully at their heels as it passed, but by the time they were all back in Uncle Vernon's car, Dudley was telling them how it had nearly bitten off his leg, while Piers was swearing it had tried to squeeze him to death.
- 大家提交的作业上没见你们积累单词呢,没积累的,至少挑选vocabulary中的五个抄下来词和句子,已经自觉总结的拍给我看书或者其他你们总结的地方。(病着还这么努力,看完简书给我点个赞呗~啦啦啦)