

作者: 一遭 | 来源:发表于2017-12-21 17:39 被阅读0次

Have you ever been required to hold a meeting in English? It might be the most common requirement if you are in an international company or agency. I listed the following sections to help you get a full knowledge of how to conduct meetings and make contributions to a meeting.

holding a meeting

First, you should know the structure of the meeting. Usually, it contains the introduction part, reviewing part, beginning, discussion and closure. All meetings follow a more or less similar structure.

Second, in the opening of the session, you should introduce the theme of the meeting and introduce all participants you have.

Third, in the reviewing part , you can sumerize the achievements and dealing with the recent developments.

Forth, you can introduce the agenda and allocate roles. Meanwhile, it is critical to make all people agree on the ground rules, eg, timing, decision-making,mandate.

Fifth, you can enter into the core part: discussion, which is also called brainstorming part. You can discuss item by item. Making sure the mandate is controlling the meeting.

Sixth, when it comes to the time for wrapping up, someone should give a closure remarks and suggest the date and place for next meeting.

Most importantly, all participants should be encouraged to participate in the discussion and make contributions. The host should show respects and gratitudes to all participants.


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