
作者: 努力变富 | 来源:发表于2021-07-13 07:12 被阅读0次

Since about three weeks ago.

My English daily update  break off.

That a day I'm very busy,

I always  update at morning.

But that day,

I'm working in the morning.

So in the next day, when I open my jianshu app.

I find that,  I didn't update .

Since that day, 

I feel the update isn't  the must thing in my life.


My medal stopped at 100 days.

But I didn't give up to update.

Because I have another goals.

That is I will update 300 days.

So,  When you do something, You must give yourself a goals.

Thank you can not give up.

Even though I'm not updated every day now.

But I still  do it.

That's the important.

Okay, that's all.

Thank you for reading.

Best wishes for you.

The world and I love you.

See you.


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