人们总喜欢空谈理义(People always like to talk about understanding)
却不知人皆有所私自藏匿(While they don't know that we're all going on hidding)
同时又渴望互相坦诚心意(At the same time they are yearned for honesty)
但不愿意展露自己的秘密(But not willing to reveal what they're keeping)
因此,结论之一便是猜疑(So,here's the Conclusion One of doubting)
有人崇尚温尔文雅(Some people advocate elegance and civility)
时时刻刻不忘摆出阵仗势架(They have already betrayed honesty)
可生活不免要遇到隙罅(But life is often full of difficulties)
他们此时才凶相露煞(That's when we know they are so ugly)
因此,结论之二便是欺诈(So,here's the Conclusion Two of cheating)
恶毒的情绪正在满溢(Spirits of malevolence is over-filled)
有人清楚自己身怀伟力(Some people know they are greatly strong-bodied)
这将成为作乱害人的武器(This will be the weapon which is dread)
只要他们能从中获利(As long as it make them profited)
因此,结论之三便是争歧(So,here's the Conclusion Three of dispute)
我曾被人教会拥有信仰(I was taught never to be faithless )
却又被她推向深渊,独自彷徨(But she pushed me into the abyss, gave me the loneliness)
我知道我的罪孽或许不可原谅(I know maybe I can't deserve your forgiveness)
但至少应该倾听我的理由,知道我确曾是一片衷肠(But at least listen to my reasons and know the truth)
现在,一切都该走向结论之四,即是绝望(Now,all deserve for the Conclusion Four of being hopeless)
爱、友情、和平在结论面前皆是谎言(Love, friendship, and peace are all lies)
人类无需为它们委曲求全(There's no need for humans to compromise)
只管展露自己的本来面颜,我们得出最终的论见(Just show the real face,and we got the last of conclusions)
五项结论之末就是憎嫌(Here comes the Conclusion Five of hates)
五项基本结论已经聚齐(The five basis conclusions have come together)
是时候引出未来的论题(It's time to bring up the topic of the future)
对于人类来说,这有什么意义(for humans,how does it matter)
所以此处得出最后的完美论结(So here's the perfect final conclusion)
所有一切都将在恶意中毁灭(Everything will maliciously come to destrction)