first day

作者: 简闻 | 来源:发表于2016-10-08 12:59 被阅读104次

    Dialogue 1

    • A: Room reservation, good morning.
    • B: I'd like to book a double room for October 10th.
    • A: That's fine, sir, a double room for OCT 10th, right?
    • B: Yes, what's the current rate, please?
    • A: $260 per night.
    • B: By the way, what services come with that?
    • A: You'll have a color TV set, a telephone, a newspaper delivered to your room everyday and broadband internet.
    • B: Fantastic, I'll take it.

    Dialogue 2

    • A: Good afternoon, Can I help you?
    • B: Yes, I'd like to book a room with a sauna.
    • A: Sorry, All the rooms have been occupied today.
    • B: All right, My customer will check in the day after tomorrow, Do you have any vacancies at that time?
    • A: Yes, of course, How long will your customer be staying?
    • B: Five days.
    • A: Ok, we look forward to seeing your customer the day after tomorrow.
    • B: Ok, thank you.

    Dialogue 3

    • A: Room reservation, can I help you?
    • B: Yes, I'd like to book a suite on the sunny side for tonight.
    • A: Ok, could you tell me in whose name the reservation was made?
    • B: In the name of George Smith.
    • A: Ok, how long will Mr Smith be staying?
    • B: Three days, is there a special rate for a group reservation?
    • A: There is some reduction for groups, how would you like to make payment? In cash?
    • B: On the company account, please.

    new words

    • reservation /rezə'veɪʃ(ə)n/ 预定,保留
    • current /'kʌr(ə)nt/ adj. 现在的;最近的;草写的;流通的,通用的 n. 趋势;涌流;(水,气,电)流
    • rate /reɪt/ 费用, 价格 比率, 率
    • per /pɜː/ (表示比率)(尤指数量, 价格, 时间)每 (表示根据)依照, 根据 prep. 〈拉〉(表示关涉)通过, 由
    • delivered /dɪ'lɪvɚ/ adj. 在…交货的,包括运费在内的
    • broadband /'brɔːdbænd/ n. 宽带
    • sauna /'sɔːnə/ n. 桑拿浴 vi. 洗桑拿浴
    • occupy /'ɒkjʊpaɪ/ vt. 占据,占领;使忙碌;居住
    • vacancy /'veɪk(ə)nsɪ/ n. 空房间 空虚;空白 空缺;空职;空额 (心灵的)空虚;失神,心不在焉
    • suite /swiːt/ n. 组曲;套房;(一批)随员,随从;(一套)家具
    • reduction /rɪ'dʌkʃ(ə)n/ n. 减少, 缩小; 减少的量, 降价



          本文标题:first day
