

作者: SusieQ | 来源:发表于2017-05-02 12:25 被阅读0次








他就是Joseph Hayes,约瑟夫.海恩斯,我所敬爱的朋友和导师。在雪季结束前的一个傍晚,我约了他聊聊滑雪,聊聊人生(想练习英文的朋友,文末有访谈的英文全文J)。

(图片:Joe Hayes,摄影:Brad Coman)










Joe:对我来说,最重要的风险控制策略就是保持良好的身体状况。我每周锻炼6天。除了前面提到的骑车和爬山,我还去三天健身房。在健身房里我做有氧,拉伸和力量练习。每天早上起床后我也在家里进行拉伸:这套拉伸的动作包含一些瑜伽动作,还有一些我之前从Robin Barnes (注:国家演示队队员)和Greg Lyons(注:美国滑雪教练协会西部区总监)那里学到的一些动作。我还用一个泡棉滚筒帮助放松腿部和后背的肌肉。(画外音:想滑雪到80岁吗,锻炼起来吧!)





Joe:我其实三次都没过,决定放弃了。但是我继续不停练习。我经常跟着一些三级教练滑。有一天,我在滑蘑菇的时候遇到了Tim Rankins(注:三级教练,美国滑雪教练协会考官),他问我为啥不考三级,我说,我放弃了,他说,你这次去一定能过。于是我就去考了并且考过了。。(画外音:坚持不懈,是任何成功的法宝!)挑战嘛,对我来说,在蘑菇道上的中回转是个很大的挑战。



(图片:Joe Hayes,摄影:Brad Coman)



Sue:滑雪似乎是你们家的一个传统。我听说你的女儿是在太浩湖山雪场(Sierra at Tahoe)结婚的,你拉着她从雪道上滑下去,把她交给新郎。这太酷啦!这个主意是谁的呢?你女儿滑雪是你教的吗?





Sue: Summer is coming. I heard you like mountain biking. How often do you bike? Do you do other sports in summer?

Joe: I bike two days a week and hike one day a week. This year I plan to add paddle-boarding to the routine.

Sue: My parents have been trying to talk me out of skiing as they are afraid I will hurt myself. If I send you to talk to them, what would you tell them?

Joe: Life is dangerous, you may break your ankle even when walking down stairs. It is better to be active than not active.

Sue: I total agree!  But they think I may try something less risky such as swimming and Taichi. I do swim but it is just not the same as skiing.

Joe: I understand where your parents came from.  My grandson is good at both freestyle skiing and soccer. He has the potential to win scholarship for college through soccer. I kind of wish he does more soccer and less skiing as soccer is less risky.  On the other hand, I also saw how skiing can light up a person’s life.  I had a student who almost died of cancer.  I felt so rewarding when I was able to help her enjoy the outside by skiing. It was also a lesson for me in being patient.

Sue: That’s right! I also remember the 70-year-old lady we taught together.  Can you imagine someone at that age has the courage to try skiing the first time? It was so inspiring!  Skiing does come with risks though. How do you control risk to avoid injury?

Joe: To me, the most important risk control strategy is to maintain your condition. I exercise 6 days a week. Besides biking and hiking I mentioned before, I also go to gym 3 days a week. In gym I do a combination of cardio, stretch and weight training. I also stretch at home as a morning routine after getting out of bed: the stretch routine combines some yoga movements and some movements I learned from Robin Barnes (Alpine demo team member) and Greg Lyons (PSIA west division director) earlier years. I also use a foam roller to help loosen up the muscles on the leg and back.

Sue: How did you discover the passion about skiing?

Joe: I started at age 23 when I got involved in kids ski program in the school district. I learned to ski and also teach kids of ten eleven years old to ski.  I liked it immediately and never stopped since then.

Sue: Everybody is telling me level 3 certificate is very difficult to get. Where were the challenges for you and how did you overcome them?

Joe: I actually failed three times and decided to give up. I continued to practice though. I often followed the level 3 instructors to ski. One day I ran into Tim Rankins (Level 3 ski instructor and PSIA examiner) on the bumps, he asked me why I did not take level 3 exam.  I told him I gave up.  He said, you will pass this time. I went ahead and passed the exam. To me, medium radius turns on the bumps was a big challenge.

Sue: What kind of skiing do you enjoy the most? How many days do you ski in average each season?

Joe: I love to ski off-piste, and still ski off-piste a lot. However, when you get to a certain age, you back off a little. I used to be able to take any terrain, I choose not to do it anymore because you get older and you get wiser. In terms of number of days, average 40 to 50 days including those days for teaching.

Sue: I know you were a teacher and later a school principal before retirement. What subjects did you teach at school? What’s the similarity between teaching at school and teaching at ski school?

Joe: I taught fifth to eighth grade on many subjects such as math and science. You do the same thing in classroom and at ski school. First, you find out what they'd like to know and what they'd like to do. Then you assess what they can do, and you come to a mutual contract of what they'd like to accomplish in the lesson. You go from there, and then in the end, you say, 'Well, how did we do?'

Sue: Skiing appears to be a family tradition for your family. I heard that your daughter got married at Sierra at Tahoe and you skied down the runs with her to hand her over to the groom. That’s super cool.  Who came up with this wedding idea?  Were you the one who taught her to ski?

Joe: The wedding idea was hers. I did teach her to ski when she was little. Both my daughter and son are later level 3 certified. My son got full cert at age 19 (At that time, the system was different, there were only two levels, and he got the second level which is equivalent to the current level 3).



