

作者: Raymond雷曼德 | 来源:发表于2019-03-27 19:48 被阅读0次
周六10年班 二三年级小学班

This weekend of March 23rd  and  24th, I had a class at 8:30 and at 10:30, the kids from Primary school were back from holidays. For the first class I had around 10 kids and for the 2nd class I had I had about 14 kids on Saturday and on Sunday respectively from the age category of 10年 team D. The weather was good.

Topic: Ball control, Passing and Receiving

1.Warm up

Content 1

(5 min)Ball juggling using one foot (Right) and the (left), both feet (Right – left), knee (Right – Left)

Content 2.

Ball control drills and mind awakening Ball control drills and mind awakening

(15min)A fun game to awake and increase player’s concentration, this game consists of 2 teams and every player of each team have to control the ball in between many cones, the pay attention on the coach’s audio or visual sign in order to stop quickly the ball or to drive the ball through each team own area.

2.Technical drills: (20min)

Ball passing and receiving Ball passing and receiving

Two players in group use one ball, and have to perform a correct pass through 2 big cones with a distance of 2m in between cones. 2 touches was an obligation, a good pass and a good reception of the ball was emphased on as well as using inside foot for passing and receiving the ball

3.Match (40min)

Match Match

We used 2 small sided pitches, we played 4 v 4, and 3 v 3, here more should be done in strengthening 1 v1 skills as well as passing. 

Best Player in the middle and Top scorers on his sides Best Player in middle, and top scores ohis sides


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