Great tales of Edgar Allan Poe

Great tales of Edgar Allan Poe

作者: Hippocrene | 来源:发表于2016-06-30 09:29 被阅读0次




    「谁没有在无意中多次干下坏事或蠢事呢?而且这样干时无缘无故,心里明知干不得而偏要干。哪怕我们明知这样干犯法,我们不是还会无视自己看到的后果,有股拼命想去以身试法的邪念吗?」确实,这是事实,所以世上才会有这么多的罪犯。突然想起了潘多拉的盒子,明知道这盒子不能打开,却还是忍不住打开。伊甸园里,Adam, Eve明知道那善恶树上的果实不能吃,却还是抵制不住诱惑。「渴望自找烦恼,违背本性,为作恶而作恶」


    The Tell-Tale Heart和黑猫很类似,心理变态的杀人犯,杀人理由依旧荒诞不经,人性本恶。不同的是,因为那古怪的“ringing”最后犯人自己道出了自己是凶手,"Villains!"I shrieked, "dissemble no more! I admit the deed! Tear up the planks! —here, here!—it is the beating of his hideous heart!" 还没有到完全丧失罪恶感,因为做错事,人内心虚的不行,变得疑神疑鬼,一点点事比如这里的ringing就能把人折磨到发狂。感觉poe的小说含有很深的心理方面的东西,人内心深处的恐怖从何而来?

    在书上找到了答案,’恐怖正来源于丧失理智、走向犯罪、疯狂或奔溃的过程。’ 人是善恶的综合体,人是一个双重的自我,在良心泯灭之际,我们也随之死去。


    'From Childhood's hour', Poe admitted:

    I have not been

    As others were—I have not seen

    As others saw—I could not bring

    My passions from a common spring.


    From childhood`s hour I have not been

    As others were - I have not seen

    As others saw - I could not bring

    My passions from a common spring -

    From the same source I have not taken

    My sorrow - I could not awaken

    My heart to joy at the same tone -

    And all I lov`d - I lov`d alone -

    Then - in my childhood - in the dawn

    Of a most stormy life - was drawn

    From ev`ry depth of good and ill

    The mystery which binds me still -

    From the torrent, or the fountain -

    From the red cliff of the mountain -

    From the sun that `round me roll`d

    In its autumn tint of gold -

    From the lightning in the sky

    As it pass`d me flying by -

    From the thunder, and the storm -

    And the cloud that took the form

    (When the rest of Heaven was blue)

    Of a demon in my view )



          本文标题:Great tales of Edgar Allan Poe
