2017年10月14日 过程比成果重要
难道你们不知道,在场上赛跑的人,虽然大家都跑,但得奖的只有一个人吗?你们都应当这样跑,好叫你们可以得奖。 凡参加运动比赛的,在一切事上都有节制;他们这样作,不过要得到能坏的冠冕,我们却是要得不朽的冠冕。 (哥林多前书 9:24-25 新译本)
当发令枪响的时候,我决定无论结果如何,我都会把注意力放在训练他们的属灵生命上 ,这比身体训练更重要。
2. 你认为什么目标最有价值?
3. 你认为是过程驱动目标,还是目标驱动过程?
因此你要说:‘主耶和华这样说:我要从万族中招聚你们,从你们被分散到的各地聚集你们,把以色列地赐给你们。’ 他们必回到那里,也必除掉那里所有可厌的偶像和所有可憎之物。“我要把一颗心赐给他们,把新的灵放在他们里面;我要从他们肉体中除掉石心,赐给他们肉心, 使他们遵从我的律例,谨守遵行我的典章,这样,他们就必作我的子民,我必作他们的 神。 至于那些心中随从可厌的偶像和可憎之物的人,我要把他们所行的,报应在他们的头上。”这是主耶和华的宣告。 (以西结书 11:17-21 新译本)
“虚伪的经学家和法利赛人哪,你们有祸了!你们把薄荷、茴香、芹菜,献上十分之一,却忽略律法上更重要的,就如正义、怜悯和信实;这些更重要的是你们应当作的,但其他的也不可忽略。 你们这些瞎眼的向导啊,你们把蚊虫滤出来,却把骆驼吞下去。“虚伪的经学家和法利赛人哪,你们有祸了!你们洗净杯盘的外面,里面却装满了抢夺和放荡。 瞎眼的法利赛人哪,先把杯和盘的里面洗净,好使外面也可以干净。“虚伪的经学家和法利赛人哪,你们有祸了!你们好像粉饰了的坟墓,外面好看,里面却装满了死人的骨头和各样的污秽; 照样,你们外面看来像义人,里面却充塞着虚伪和不法。 (马太福音 23:23-28 新译本)
贪财的法利赛人听见这些话,就嗤笑耶稣。 耶稣对他们说:“你们在人面前自称为义, 神却知道你们的心;因为人所高举的, 神却看作是可憎恶的。 律法和先知到约翰就结束了。从此, 神的国的福音就传开了,人人都要努力进去。 天地过去,要比律法的一点一画失效还容易呢。 凡休妻另娶的,就犯了奸淫;娶被丈夫所休的,也是犯了奸淫。 (路加福音 16:14-18 新译本)
Process over Product
"Do you not know that the runners in a stadium all race, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win. Now everyone who competes exercises self control in everything. However, they do it to receive a perishable crown, but we an imperishable one." — 1 Corinthians 9:24–25
Like most high school coaches, I had a goal to help an athlete win a state championship some day. As a former 800-meter runner myself, I wanted to help an athlete win that exact event. In my first season as a high school distance coach, I stood at the state meet as God taught me a valuable lesson. One of my runners was in the finals of the 800-meter race.
I expected to be there in five or ten years, not my first. But I also didn’t expect to feel empty as I watched my runner compete. As I did, I wondered if this was what coaching was all about. I remembered how much time went into training this one athlete, and the time spent training my other athletes. I weighed that against how much time I committed to their personal and spiritual growth and quickly realized I’d fallen into the trap that many coaches do: I had put the product—the goal of winning—as a higher priority than the process of shaping lives.
That day, I learned two things: First, God is more concerned with how things are accomplished than with what is accomplished. Second, God doesn’t care about numbers as much as he cares about hearts—and He proved it to all mankind when He sent His only Son to earth to take our sins to the cross!
As the gun went off that day, I decided that no matter the outcome, I would be concerned with the spiritual training of the athletes I coach, as much as or more than their physical training!
1. Are you more concerned with winning than with the growth in your athletes or fellow teammates?
2. What are the goals you consider most valuable?
3. Does the process drive the goals, or do the goals drive the process?
Ezekiel 11:17–21; Matthew 23:23–28; Luke 16:14–18
Thank You, Lord, that You have given me the privilege of caring for my athletes today. Help me to show them the imperishable crown that Jesus Christ gives us! Amen.