the Bacchae, Euripides

the Bacchae, Euripides

作者: kode4u | 来源:发表于2017-01-01 22:48 被阅读0次


The Bacchae This is a most popular image of *The Bacchae*. I don't know 手持残肢的女人、惊恐的男人,单从些看,一定不会是喜剧喽。 我想我还是一个视觉化的人,更喜欢用图像强化自己对事物的印象。 Ancient aegean region map 2nd-century Roman statue of Dionysus, after a Hellenistic model (ex-coll. Cardinal Richelieu, Louvre)
这就是酒神大人,跟我们的审美观差距真的太大了。2nd-century Roman statue of Dionysus, after a Hellenistic model (ex-coll. Cardinal Richelieu, Louvre) 这就是酒神大人,跟我们的审美观差距真的太大了。 Thyrsus staff tied with taenia and topped with a pine cone.Thyrsus staff tied with taenia and topped with a pine cone.


I, Dionysus, son of Zeus, born to him from Semele,

  • born [adj] never before noun when a baby is born, it comes out of its mother’s body and starts its life. The time when you are born is your birth, and a mother gives birth to a baby
    • Her grandfather died before she was born.
    • born in: I was born in Tokyo.
    • born on: The twins were born on 29 August, 1962.
    • born into: Meg was born into a large family.
    • born to: More children are now born to older women.

Yes, I’ve changed my form from god to human, appearing here at these streams of Dirce,the waters of Ismarus.

  • Dirce [n] wikipedia中讲是古代Thebes统治者Lycus的心机婊老婆,因为虐待自己侄女,被侄女的两儿子(好像也是Zues的儿子)绑到牛角上拖死了。这里应该不是这个意思吧?好像是地名,Carrie给解释下。

the remnants of her house, still smoldering from Zeus' living fire--Hera's undying outrage against my mother. But I praise Cadmus.

  • smolder [vi] to burn slowly without flames but usually with smoke. 我喜欢这个单词,多了一个burn场景的细分动词。
    • The remains of the campfire smoldered.
    • smoldering ruins
    • a smoldering fire


Section 1~80: Dionysus是要来Thebes证明自己是神吗?为自己母亲正名?驱赶着一群被他弄醉的女人(他姨和Thebes的其他一些女人?)
Section 90~210: 这些合唱词里怎么隐约感觉含有妇女解放和性解放的含义?



      本文标题:the Bacchae, Euripides
