Don’t Just Learn from the Bible. Remember It!
By Rick Warren — Sep 7, 2016

“Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body” (Proverbs 4:20b-22 NLT, second edition).
“要留心听我的话,侧耳听我所说的。不可让它们离开你的眼目,要谨记在你的心中。因为得着它们就是得着生命,整个人也得着医治。”(箴言 4:20b-22 新译本)
The Bible says this about wisdom in Proverbs 22:17-18: “Listen, and I will teach you what the wise have said. Study their teachings, and you will be glad if you remember them and can quote them” (TEV). Notice the four verbs in that sentence: listen, study, remember, quote. Those are marks of wisdom.
You can’t just learn something and become wiser; you’ve got to remember it. And you can’t just remember it; you’ve got to reinforce it. Because if you don’t remember and reinforce it, you end up having to learn the same lesson over and over.
You have to retain it to remember it so you can review it so you can apply it.
People say, “I can’t remember anything!” Oh, yes you can. You remember what’s important to you. You remember what you love. You remember what matters to you.
人们常说,“我什么都记不住!” 哦,你当然可以记住。你记住了那些对你重要的,你所爱的,与你相关的。
For instance a lot of you say, “I can’t memorize the Bible.” But you remember every baseball or football statistic for the last season. Or you say, “I can’t remember the Bible,” but you can quote all kinds of lyrics to popular songs or every step to a favorite recipe or something else you care about. You remember what’s important to you.
比如,你们当中的很多人说,“我记不住圣经。” 但是你记住了上赛季每一场棒球和橄榄球的比分。再比如你说,“我想不起圣经。” 但是你可以牢记各首流行音乐的歌词,或者你最喜欢的食谱的每一个步骤,其他一些你所关心的事情。你只记住了那些对你重要的事情。
If the truth becomes important to you, you will remember it. You will remember and you will rehearse it and you will reinforce it and you will review it in your life. Then, it can change your life.
“Listen carefully to my words. Don’t lose sight of them. Let them penetrate deep into your heart, for they bring life to those who find them, and healing to their whole body” (Proverbs 4:20b-22 NLT, second edition).
“要留心听我的话,侧耳听我所说的。不可让它们离开你的眼目,要谨记在你的心中。因为得着它们就是得着生命,整个人也得着医治。”(箴言 4:20b-22 新译本)
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Why is it important to memorize Scripture?
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