
作者: 预言加 | 来源:发表于2022-04-24 07:43 被阅读0次

1.Don't say,just act

Don't talk,just show

Don't promise just prove.

2.I don't mean to get angry

I just don't know,how to express my unhappiness

in a non-sharp way.

3.in this life

except for your health

nothing is your

less anger

more laughter

it's important to take care of yourself.

4.try to improve by 1% every day

within a year

you will have improved by 365%

take a step at a time

eventually you Will reach your goal.

5.even if life

has a thousand reasons

to make you cry

you have to find a reason

to make yourself laugh

because this is a life.

6.to by a girl with sense quality



early a bad and early to rise

beautiful and elegant self independent

7.there is no right choice

is this right word at all

we just need to strive and work hard

to make the ariginal choice right

7.if you are strong and talented

you don't to tell everyone about it

work hard in silence and let Cuccess make the noise.


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