

作者: Carozw | 来源:发表于2017-05-04 21:49 被阅读0次


fuss: anxboious bhvior or activity that is usually about somthing unimportant things

attention and excitement that is ususally unnecessary or unwelcome.

make a fuss/kick up a fuss (about something): to complain or become angry about somehing, ke especially when this is not necessary.

make a fuss of somebody/something: to pay a lot of attention to someone or something, to show that you are pleased with them or like them.

it transpires that: (formal) if it transpires that something is true, you discover that it is true.

part with: to give smething to someone, although you do not want to.

political aide: 政治助手

prime time: the time in the evening when the largest number of people are watching television.

primetime television: 黄金档

step into: to start doing something, or become involved in a situation.

step into the role/president of the brand. 成为/担任该品牌总裁

aspirational: something that is aspirational is wanted by people because they connect it with wealth or success.

prized: extremely important or valuable to someone.

henceforth/henceforward: from this time on.

woe: (formal) the problems and troubles affecting someone.

eonomic woe

woe is me: used to say that you are extremely unhappy or in a difficult situation.

woe betide somebody: used to warn someone that there will be trouble if they do something-especially used humourously.

catalogue of mistakes/crimes/cruelty etc: a series of mistakes, crimes that happen one after the other and never seem to stop.

ills: problems and difficulties.(formal)

ascension: when someone moves to a more important or higher position or job.

department store: 百货公司

irremediable: so bad that it is impossible to make it better.

whiff: a very small smell of something.

get/catch a whiff of something

a whiff of danger/adventure/freedom etc: a slight sign that something dangerous, exciting etc might happen

toxicity: the dgree to which something is poisonous.

grave harmfulness or deadlines

publiticity: the business of making sure that people know about a new product, film etc or what a particular famous person is doing.

injunction: an order given by a court, which tells someone not to do something.

injunction against

go bust: a complete failure

adj: a business that goes bust cannot cotinue operating.

snowflake: a small flat piece of frozen water that falls as snow. 雪花、雪片

offload: to get rid of something you do not want by giving it or selling it to someone

offload your worries/emotions/problems etc: to tell someone about your worries etc in order tomake yourself feel better.

striped: having lines or bands of colour. syn: stripy.

sackful: 满袋、多量

inventory: all the goods in a shop.

skyrocket: if a price or an amount skyrockets, it greatly increases very quickly.

a conservayive estimate/guess: 保守估计

outstrip: to do something better than someone else or be more successful.

to be greater in quanitity than something else.

to run or move faster than someone or something else.

purge something of somebody/something: to force people to leve a place or organi-

zation because the people in power do not like them.

to remove something that is thought to be harmful or unacceptable.

imbue smebody/something with something: to make someone or something have a

quality, idea or emotion very strongly.

life-enhancing: h改善生活的

chic: very fashionable and expensive, and showing good judgement of what is attractive and good style.

buy into something: to acept that an idea is right and allow it to influence you.

to buy part of a business or organization, especially because you want to control it.

launch into something: to suddenly start doing something.

launch yourself forward/up/from etc: to jump up and forwards into the air a lot of energy.

pitch something at something: to set prices at a particular level.

to aim a product at a particular group type of organization, group of people etc, or to describe it in a particular way, in order to sell it.

asymmetric/cal: having two sides that are different in shapes.

not equal opmmmetrical.

floral: made of flower or decorated with flowers or pictures of flowers.

wrap-dress: 裹身裙

bunce somebody into something: to force somebody decide to do something, especially without giving them time to consider it carefully.

wilderness: a large area of land that has never been developed or farmed.

in/from/out of the wilderness someone who is in the wilderness does not have power or is not involved in something in an important way at a particular time.

gilt-lacquered: 镀金漆的


violate federal ethics laws: 违反联邦道德法

drop the brand; 撤掉品牌

family-owned business: 家族企业

metropolitan elites: 都市精英

cotton shirt: 羊毛衫

ecommerc aggregator:

Electronic commerce business model where a firm (that does not produce or warehouses any item) collects (aggregates) information on goods and/or services from several competing sources at its website. The firm's strength lies in its ability to create an 'environment' which draws visitors to its website, and in designing a system which allows easy matching of prices and specifications.

conservative cities: 保守的/传统城市

high-street retailer: 高街零售商

starting price: 起始价

big-ticket item: 昂贵商品

luxury label: 奢饰品牌

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