day 12 单词整理∙diac adj.[only before noun]
•(medical医)connectedwith the heart or heart disease 心脏的;心脏病的:
»cardiac disease / failure / surgery 心脏病;心力衰竭;心脏手术
»to suffer cardiac arrest(= an occasion when a person's heart stops temporarily or permanently) 心脏停搏
cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏
3.grubby adj.(grub∙bier,grub∙bi∙est)
1. rather dirty, usually because it has not been washed or cleaned 肮脏的;邋遢的;污秽的:
»grubby hands / clothes 脏手/衣服
--› note at dirty
2. unpleasant because it involves activities that are dishonest or immoral 卑鄙的;可鄙的∙men∙tum
1. the ability to keep increasing or developing推进力;动力;势头:
»They began to lose momentum in the second half ofthe game. 在比赛的下半场,他们的势头就逐渐减弱。
2. a force that is gained by movement 冲力:
»The vehicle gained momentum as the road dipped. 那辆车顺着坡越跑冲力越大。
gain/gather momentum:Interest in human rights issues has gained momentum.
lose momentum:There was already evidence that the riots were losing their momentum.
maintain the momentum/keep the momentum going:We mustmaintain the momentum of reform.
5.A fraction of sth:一小部分…
6.A host of5.[C]~ of sb / stha large number of people or things •许多;大量:
»a host of possibilities多种可能性
1.[sing.]the ~ (of sth)themain part of sth; most of sth •主体;大部份:
»The bulk of the population lives in cities. 大多数人口居住在城市里。
2.[U]the (large) size or quantity of sth (大)体积;大(量):
»Despite its bulk and weight, the car is extremely fast. 尽管这辆车大而且重,速度却非常快。
»a bulk order(= six for a large number of similar items) 一份大批量的订单
»bulk buying(= buying in large amounts, often at a reduced price) (常指以低价)大量购买
sift/sift/ verb
2.~ (through) sthto examine sth very carefully in order to decide whatis important or useful or to find sth important 细查;详审:
»We will sift every scrap of evidence.我们将细查每一点证据。
3.[VN]~ sth (out) from sthto separate sthfrom a group of things区分;挑选;精选:
»She looked quickly through the papers, sifting out from the pile anything that looked interesting. 她很快地翻了一下那摞文件,把所有看着有趣的东西都拣了出来。
sift sth∽'out
2. to separate sth, usually sth you do not want, from a group of things•剔除;淘汰:
»We need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding. 我们需要剔出那些成功无望的申请。
7.sen∙sor noun
• a device that can react to light, heat, pressure, etc. in order to make amachine, etc. do sth or show sth (探测光、热、压力等的)传感器,敏感元件,探测设备:
8.pharma∙ceut∙ical /adj.[only before noun]
• connected with making and selling drugs and medicines 制药的;配药的;卖药的:
»the pharmaceutical industry 制药业
noun[usually pl.]
•(technical术语)a drug ormedicine•药物:
»the development of new pharmaceuticals新药的开发
Pharma:制药公司∙sur∙gent noun[usuallypl.]
• (formal) a person fighting against the government or armed forces oftheir own country •起义者;叛乱者;造反者SYNrebel
in∙sur∙gent adj. 【SYN】rebellious
11.genomic sequencing:基因组测序
13.dia∙bet∙ic adj.
1. having or connected with diabetes 糖尿病的;患糖尿病的:
»She's diabetic. 她患有糖尿病。
»diabetic complications 糖尿病并发症
2. suitable for or used by sb who has diabetes •适合糖尿病患者的;专供糖尿病患者吃的:
»a diabetic diet 适合糖尿病患者的饮食
• a person who suffers from diabetes •糖尿病患者∙ride/di5raid/
•[often passive]~ sb / sth (as sth)(formal) to treat sb / sth as ridiculous and not worthconsidering seriously •嘲笑;愚弄;揶揄
»His views were derided as old-fashioned. 他的观点被当作旧思想受到嘲弄。
[also Vspeech]
1. a painted piece of cloth that is hung behind the stage in a theatre as partof the scenery (舞台的)背景幕布
2. everything that can be seen around an event that is taking place, but whichis not part of that event • (事件发生时)周围陪衬景物:
»The mountains provided a dramatic backdrop for our picnic.
3. the general conditions in which an event takes place, which sometimes helpto explain that event (事态或活动的)背景:
»It was against this backdrop of racial tension that the civil war began.这场内战肇端于种族之间的紧张状态。
1. a row of bushes or small trees planted close together, usually along the edgeof a field, garden / yard or road•树篱:
2.~ against stha way of protecting yourself against the loss of sth,especially money防止损失(尤指金钱)的手段:
»to buy gold as a hedge against inflation 购买黄金以抵消通货膨胀造成的损失
1.[V]to avoid giving a direct answer to a question orpromising to support a particular idea, etc. •避免正面回答;不直接许诺;拐弯抹角:
»Just answer 'yes' or 'no'—and stop hedging. 就回答"是"或"否"——别再闪烁其词了。
2.[VN]to put a hedge around a field,etc. 在(田地等周围)植树篱;用树篱围住
3.[VN] [usually passive]~ sb / sth (about / around) (with sth)(formal)to surround or limit sb / sth 包围;限制:
»Their offer was hedged around with all sorts of conditions. 他们的建议附带了各种各样的限制条件。
'hedge against sth
• to do sth to protect yourself against problems, especially against losingmoney 采取保护措施(尤指为避免损失金钱):
»a way of hedging against currency risks 避免货币风险的保值措施
hedge sb / sth∽'in
• to surround sb / sth with sth•包围;环绕 【SYN】hem sb / sth in:
»The cathedral is now hedged in by other buildings. 大教堂现在被其他建筑物包围着。
• (informal)something very successful, especially a very successful bookor film / movie •一鸣惊人的事物;(尤指)非常成功的书(或电影):
»a Hollywood blockbuster 一部好莱坞大片
block∙bust∙ing adj.:
»a blockbusting performance 引起轰动的演出
18.insulin medication胰岛素治疗∙cra∙tive
• producing a large amount of money; making a large profit赚大钱的;获利多的:
»alucrative business / contract / market 利润丰厚的生意/合同/市场∙pa∙tient noun
• a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment住院病人
21.out∙pa∙tient noun
• a person who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay there门诊病人:
»an outpatient clinic 门诊部
22.ultra∙sound noun
1.[U]sound that is higher than humans can hear 超声;超音
2.[U, C]a medical process that produces an image of what is inside your body •超声波扫描检查:
»Ultrasound showed she was expecting twins. 超声波扫描显示她怀了双胞胎。
23.mam∙mo∙gram noun
• an examination of a breast using X-rays to check for cancer •乳房X光检查
24.kid∙ney noun
1.[C]either of the two organs in the body that remove waste productsfrom the blood and produce urine •肾;肾脏:
»a kidney infection 肾感染
•(This word is only [C] in NAmE.在北美英语中只作可数名词。)a temporary loss of consciousness caused by a blow to thehead; the effects of a severe blow to the head such as confusion and temporaryloss of physical and mental abilities •脑震荡:
»(BrE)He was taken to hospital with concussion. 他因脑震荡被送进医院。
27.con∙tra∙cep∙tive noun
• a drug, device or practice used to prevent a woman becoming pregnant 避孕药;避孕用具;避孕措施:
»oral contraceptives 口服避孕药
con∙tra∙cep∙tiveadj.[only before noun]:
»a contraceptive pill 避孕药丸
»contraceptive advice / precautions / methods 避孕咨询/措施/方法
28.onset noun[sing.]
• the beginning of sth, especially sth unpleasant •开端,发生,肇始(尤指不快的事件):
»the onset of disease / old age / winter 疾病的发作;老年的开始;冬天的来临
29.meno∙pause(also informal the'change (of life)) noun[U]
• (often the menopause)[sing.]the time during which a woman gradually stopsmenstruating, usually at around theage of 50 绝经期;(妇女的)更年期:
»to reach (the) menopause 到更年期
meno∙pausal/ adj.:
»menopausal women / symptoms 更年期的妇女/症状
30.oner∙ous adj.
• (formal)needing great effort; causing trouble or worry •费力的;艰巨的;令人焦虑的
»anonerous duty / task / responsibility 繁重的义务/工作/职责
31array .verb[VN] [usually passive](formal)
1. to arrange a group of things in a pleasing way so that they are in order •布置;排列:
»Jars of all shapes and sizes were arrayed on the shelves.
33.ex∙acer∙bate verb[VN]
• (formal) to make sth worse, especially a disease or problem 使恶化;使加剧;使加重
»The symptoms may be exacerbated by certain drugs. 这些症状可能会因为某些药物而加重。
ex∙acer∙ba∙tionnoun[U, C]
34.scru∙tiny noun[U]
• (formal) careful and thorough examination仔细检查;认真彻底的审查
»Her argument doesn't really stand up to scrutiny. 她的观点经不起认真推敲。
»The documents should be available for public scrutiny. 这些文件须公之于世,交由公众审议。
adj.[usually before noun]
• not caring enough about sth important or about the feelings of other people 漫不经心的;不在乎的:
»The government takes acavalier attitudeto the problems ofprison overcrowding 政府对监狱拥挤不堪的问题不闻不问。
con∙sent noun
1.[U]~ (to sth)permission todo sth, especially given by sb in authority •同意;准许;允许:
»Children under 16 cannot give consent to medical treatment. 16岁以下的儿童不得自行同意接受治疗。
»The written consent of a parent is required. 要求有家长的书面同意。
•~ (to sth)(ratherformal) to agree to sth or give yourpermission for sth
»When she told them what she intended they readily consented. 她告诉他们她的打算时,他们欣然同意。
day 13 思维导图

day 14 反思总结
至于文章的把握,我也跳出了按照时间顺序或者是小标题的框架,根据安妮老师上节课的分析,抓住文章中不变的对象,画出不同因素之间的关系。除此之外,文章的前半段也具体讲了三个受影响的方面,所以我就围绕“traditional innovators”” incumbents” “
technological insurgents”三个主体进行关系梳理。
在画出基本的逻辑框架之后,我去对比了安妮老师的思维导图。发现自己漏了核心的内容:一是digital healthcare的具体内容,也就是哪些科技手段的运用,在我的思维导图里并没有体现;二是这三个主体之间是怎么互相影响的?我虽然列出了每个的利弊,但是相互之间是如何作用的并没有从图中体现出来。因此我又对图进行了修改,得到了现在的图。