The second critical source of physical energy in our lives comes from the foods we eat. The costs of not eating enough—renewing energy with food that gets converted into glycogen—are clear. On an empty stomach, it is difficult to be concerned with much besides food. Chronic overeating, on the other hand, represents too much “recovery,” leads to obesity and compromised energy, and has both performance and health consequences. Foods high in fats, sugar and simple carbohydrates provide recovery, but in a much less efficient and energy-rich form than low-fat proteins and complex carbohydrates such as vegetables and grains.
Eating better obviously has benefits in and of itself, including losing weight, looking better and improving health, all of which may have positive energy consequences. Our primary aim is to help clients sustain a steady, high-octane source of energy throughout the day. When you awake in the mornings, after eight to twelve hours without eating, your blood glucose levels are at a low ebb, even if you don’t feel consciously hungry. Eating breakfast is critically important. It not only increases blood glucose levels, but also jump-starts metabolism.
It is equally important to eat foods that are low on the glycemic index, which measures the speed with which sugar from specific foods is released into the bloodstream. A slower release provides a steadier source of energy. The low-glycemic breakfast foods that provide the highest octane and longest lasting source of energy, for example, include whole grains, proteins and low-glycemic fruits such as strawberries, pears, grapefruit and apples. By contrast, high-glycemic foods such as muffins or sugary cereals spike energy for short periods but prompt a crash in as few as thirty minutes. Even a breakfast traditionally viewed as healthy—an unbuttered bagel and a glass of orange juice—is very high on the glycemic index and therefore a poor source of sustaining energy.
The frequency with which we eat also influences our capacity to stay fully engaged and to sustain high performance. Eating five to six low calorie, highly nutritious “meals” a day insures a steady resupply of energy. Even the most energy rich foods won't fuel high performance for the four to eight hours that many of us frequently permit to pass between meals.
Sustained performance depends not just on eating at regular intervals but also on eating only as much as you need to drive your energy for the next two to three hours. Portion control is critical both in managing weight and in regulating energy.
It is just as problematic to eat too much, too often, as it is to eat too little, too infrequently. Snacks between meals should typically be between 100 and 150 calories and once again should focus on low-glycemic foods such as nuts and sunflower seeds, fruits, or half of a typical-size 200 calorie energy bar.
我的思考My Thinking
读书时,若是一定的英语水平,一定要读原著。例如,原著中用“Strategic Eating”来描述吃,而中文版本却翻译成“调整饮食方式”(P76),含义相差很大。阅读高绩效教练(P29)时,看到了“你的输出质量都取决于输入的质量和数量”,中文的版本基本是翻译者的理解,这与原著作者的表达并不是完全匹配的,所以建议大家一起看看原著,确保高质量的输入至关重要!
Read original if your English is basically OK. For example, “Strategic Eating” is used to describe the importance, while it's translated into "Adjust Dietary intake eating" of them the meaning is quite different. When I’m reading Coach for High Performance, "Your output depends on the quality and quantity of inputs" which I agree 120%. Translation is regarded as translator's view and understanding, which is not exactly the same from Original which I advise for high quality input.
Even the most energy rich foods won't fuel high performance for the four to eight hours, so skipping breakfasts is neither wise nor eating breakfasts high in fat and simple carbohydrates. Snacks of 100-150 calorie of low-glycemic foods between meals is a must.