在 (Caffe,Lenet5)初始化训练网络(三)中介绍了训练网络的初始化,本文介绍测试网络的初始化。
1 测试网络结构
No. | Layer | layer Type | Bottom Blob | Top Blob | Top Blob Shape |
1 | minst | Data | data&&label | 100 1 28 28 (78400)&&100 (100) | |
2 | label_mnist_1_split | Split | label | label_mnist_1_split_0&&label_mnist_1_split_1 | 100 (100)&&100 (100) |
3 | conv1 | Convolution | data | conv1 | 100 20 24 24 (1152000) |
4 | pool1 | Pooling | conv1 | pool1 | 100 20 12 12 (288000) |
5 | conv2 | Convolution | pool1 | conv2 | 100 50 8 8 (320000) |
6 | pool2 | Pooling | conv2 | pool2 | 100 50 4 4 (80000) |
7 | ip1 | InnerProduct | pool2 | ip1 | 100 500 (50000) |
8 | relu1 | ReLU | ip1 | ip1(in-place) | 100 500 (50000) |
9 | ip2 | InnerProduct | ip1 | ip2 | 100 10 (1000) |
10 | ip2_ip2_0_split | Split | ip2 | ip2_ip2_0_split_0&&ip2_ip2_0_split_1 | 100 10 (1000)&&100 10 (1000) |
11 | accuracy | Accuracy | ip2_ip2_0_split_0&&label_mnist_1_split_0 | accuracy | (1) |
12 | loss | SoftmaxWithLoss | ip2_ip2_0_split_1&&label_mnist_1_split_1 | loss | (1) |
注:Top Blob Shape格式为:BatchSize,ChannelSize,Height,Width(Total Count)
2 与训练网络对比
- 训练网络9层,测试网络12层
- 训练网络没有的是:多了
label_mnist_1_split、layer ip2_ip2_0_split、accuracy
,类型为Split Layer
和Accuracy Layer
3 Split Layer
其功能主要是复制blob,将一个bottom blob复制成多个top blob
4 Accuracy Layer
- label_axis_为标签对应的轴(对应的blob中的那个维度)
- outer_num_总的来说是样本数量,详细解释见后面
- inner_num_同上,总的来说是样本数量,详细解释见后面
- top_k为取前k个最高评分(的预测标签)
message AccuracyParameter {
// The "label" axis of the prediction blob, whose argmax corresponds to the
// predicted label -- may be negative to index from the end (e.g., -1 for the
// last axis). For example, if axis == 1 and the predictions are
// (N x C x H x W), the label blob is expected to contain N*H*W ground truth
// labels with integer values in {0, 1, ..., C-1}.
optional int32 axis = 2 [default = 1];
- axis指出在预测blob中,哪一维是label轴,如(N x C x H x W)的blob,axis=0,则N为label对应的维度。axis=1,则C为label对应的维度,而剩下的N为outer样本数量, H x W为inner样本数量。
- 由代码可知,当
。 - 一般的,label blob的维度为(N x C),N为样本数量,C为标签数量(即类别个数)。axis=1,outer_num_=N,inner_num_=shape[2,2)=1(即没有inner)
outer_num_ = bottom[0]->count(0, label_axis_);
inner_num_ = bottom[0]->count(label_axis_ + 1);