deep down
If you know something deep down or deep down inside, you know that it is true, but you are not always conscious of it or willing to admit it to yourself.
We knew deep down that we could do it. 我相信我可以!
take a deep breath
If you say that you took a deep breath before doing something dangerous or frightening, you mean that you tried to make yourself feel strong and confident.
The doctor asked me to take a deep breath.
to go deep/run deep
If you say that something goes deep or runs deep, you mean that it is very serious or strong and is hard to change.
“静水流深”这个词是英文谚语"Still waters run deep"
in/into deep water
If you are in deep water, you are in a difficult or awkward situation.
表达“处于困境”可以用习语 in deep water,不要把它理解为“在深水处”,它用来比喻某人陷入困境或处境尴尬。
After my husband lost his job we were in deep water.
in at the deep end
乍一看,短语 in at the deep end 是一个错误的短语,因为既然有 in 了,为什么还有 at 呢。不但结构上让人捉摸不定,而且意思上也让人扑朔迷离,但其实这个短语是存在的且是正确的。
首先来理清 in at the deep end 的字面意思:
end 是“末端,尽头”的意思,那么 at the deep end 就是“在深的尽头”,in at the deep end 就是“进入到深的尽头”。
抛开字面意思,孤立地看 in at the deep end 的话,难免会使人产生很多错觉,毕竟它跟我们平时学习的语法知识框架有点格格不入,但当它用于 thrown in at the deep end 和 jump/dive in at the deep end 的搭配中时,寓意就浮出水面了。
它们用来比喻在没有充分准备的前提下开始一项新的任务或工作,特别是 thrown in at the deep end,因为会有一种被丢入深水区的感觉,意为“一筹莫展,(使)陷入未曾料到的艰难境地”等。
She was never afraid to jump in at the deep end and start her new business alone.
其实,in at the deep end 起源于游泳池中的“不均匀的深度”,特别是综合使用的游泳池;对于初学游泳的人来说,游泳池的一侧较浅,而对于游泳高手来说,游泳池的一侧较深,因此 in at the deep end 中的 in 表示进入水的 deep end,那么进入的动作可以是 jump 或 dive,甚至是 be thrown。
在泳池的深水(deep water)处,一个人难以站立,所以被迫得游起来,因此用作一个处理不熟悉事物的隐喻,主要是当你还没有充分准备好的时候,那么我们还可以用习语 in deep water 来表示非常严重或不可预测的情况,意为“陷入困境”等。