

作者: cppUncleSix | 来源:发表于2020-11-23 11:11 被阅读0次

More than anything, the book is designed to serve the solitary reader who is struggling with a new programming language.

adjective /'sɑlətɛri/


used to emphasize that there is only one of something SYN  single

without anyone or anything else : not involving or including anyone or anything else.

(of a person, thing or place) alone, with no other people or things around.

A solitary person or thing is the only person or thing in a place.

tending to spend a lot of time alone.

A solitary person or object is alone, with no others near them. Syn:lone

the solitary goal of the match.

The benches were empty except for a single solitary figure.

a solitary traveler.

We saw one solitary [=single] figure coming over the horizon.

- sometimes used in negative statements to emphasize a complete lack of something

I could not hear a solitary [=single] word of what he said.

a solitary farm

A solitary light burned dimly in the hall.

On the hill, a solitary figure was busy chopping down trees.

In the distance was a solitary building.

He was a solitary child (= He enjoyed being alone).

a largely solitary bird.

the occasional solitary figure making a study of wildflowers or grasses.


doing something without anyone else with you.

done by a person who is alone.

done alone; without other people.

done alone.

done or experienced by someone who is alone.

A solitary activity is one that you do alone.

a long, solitary walk.

He took a solitary walk/stroll on the beach.

a solitary job.

She enjoys long solitary walks.

He led a solitary life.

solitary walks by the river

fishing and other solitary pastimes.

Mathematical research is a largely solitary pursuit. [pursuit = /pɚ'sut/ noun, when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way]

His evenings were spent in solitary drinking.


spending a lot of time alone, usually because you like being alone OPP  sociable [sociable =/'soʃəbl/adjective, someone who is sociable is friendly and enjoys being with other people OPP  unsociable]

separate from other people or things.

tending to live or spend time alone.

(of a person or an animal) enjoying being alone; frequently spending time alone.

in a place or situation where there are no other people.

a solitary man.

Pandas are solitary creatures.

He led a rather solitary existence.

A solitary house stood on top of the cliff.

Most cats are solitary creatures.

He's a very solitary man.

He was a solitary child.

Tigers are solitary animals.

the solitary inhabitant of the island

A solitary policeman stood at the gate.

A person or animal that is solitary spends a lot of time alone.

Paul was a shy, pleasant, solitary man.

They often have a lonely and solitary life to lead.


used to emphasize that there is not even one.

(especially in negative sentences and questions) only one SYN single.

used for emphasizing that there is not even one person or thing.

not a solitary word/thing etc

He followed her round without a solitary word.

There was not a solitary shred of evidence (= none at all).

He didn’t say a single solitary word to me all evening.

solitarily adverb

solitariness noun

Even as a boy he was given to solitariness.

noun /'sɑlətɛri/


solitary confinement. [confinement =/kən'faɪnmənt/noun, 1). the act of putting someone in a room, prison etc that they are not allowed to leave, or the state of being there. 2). old-fashioned or formal the time when a woman gives birth to a baby.]

the state of being kept alone in a prison cell away from other prisoners.

a punishment in which a prisoner is kept alone in a separate cell.

Solitary is the same as solitary confinement.

He spent two weeks in solitary.

The prisoner was kept in solitary.

He spent three months in solitary confinement.

to be in solitary confinement.

Tom was in solitary across the way from me.


British English literary someone who lives completely alone SYN hermit [hermit =/'hɝmɪt/noun, someone who lives alone and has a simple way of life, usually for religious reasons]

 a person who chooses to live alone.



