Pushkin and my son

作者: 鲜宇夫 | 来源:发表于2018-10-06 12:20 被阅读28次

One day my son came home from school to say that the teacher said he was an aristocrat

"What is a nobleman?" Hanbao asked me

I said that we are descendants of the royal family of the Western Zhou Dynasty, much more noble than the nobility.

Hanbao seems to understand the story of the origin of some of our surnames

I think Pushkin is one of the most aristocratic poets

He is known as "the sun of Russian poetry"

I think that in addition to passionate melancholy, the poet should be sunny

Everyone should keep their thirst for friendship, love and freedom

During the war years, Pushkin's poetry warmed many people's cold winter nights

For love and duel, he ended his brilliant life with an aristocratic way

Material society, not everyone can maintain their bottom line of life

Why do talented poets looking at the world with such a proud attitude

Pushkin’s poetry is generally very long and there are many allusions so that often read and explained together with Hanbao

Pushkin's poetry is very graphic and spatial. I shares my understanding of poetry with Hanbao

How happy is the parent-child life of reading famous poems in ancient and modern China and abroad with children

How many characters a person reads in his life is the temperament that stays in the blood


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