

作者: 徐林Grace | 来源:发表于2020-02-16 18:53 被阅读0次


我和妓女老鸭子住一起,半夜都是噪音或者小型party,酒精,早晨香烟环绕,女人们饿急了一样吃水果,男人 膀大腰圆一边道歉自己抽烟,一边用很糟糕的英语投诉shower不工作,几个胖女人要么凌晨回来,要么有车凌晨接他们出去,正好都是我瑜伽时候!抽烟和vordaca,每天都是酒瓶子,和我打招呼,很友好,我也很友好,因为知道妓女通常都有善良一面,都是我的反射,如果我够好,她们也很好,看来我对J的反射不好,目前比较令人失望!

昨晚开始琢磨回纽约做啥,bill fisher8月份回去,我问他,滑稽是他刚完成high performance leadership也在想同样的事!

u find all these fine qualities in one, another, on different persons then suddenly u see it is all in one!肯定不是我的case,我看到问题。

impermanent 即使再好的关系和passion,所以啊!

money is a real test on human nature, so far nobody passed it easily and sunny is ok since she has money or she just live on what she said, all rest including parents are failed, what about myself, same thing failed to myself that I care so much about it, not about getting more of it but mind if people want to take advantage of me for money!

对自己好享受一个人的时光!瑜伽海滩看到朝阳升起,真的美极了,竟然可以软软的沙滩后弯起身,不错,早餐吃了很棒的coconut roti,超极好吃,犹如葱油饼一样的crispy配方,espresso wonderful,基本都是1000rp早餐。之后竟然找到一个超级spa, sanctuary spa,在主街道后面一个安静的空间,都是gay一样的男孩子管理,想到之前提到的gay比较容易服务女人,一个丹麦男孩子问我来自哪里,american/chinese,他说chinese I can tell,阳光的高个子白皮肤让我想到Peter,去了楼上空气流通的看到热带雨林的房间,完美干净,deep tissue massage舒服,男孩子很棒的手法和胳膊肘的压力,我的浑身敏感处好了一些,今天继续痒。也做了facial,第一次,因为实在惨不堪看,4700我认为很值啊!也是为了J投资吧,其实是对自己好!男孩子问我中国virus情况:it is in peak, hard for all people in China, but we are strong, we learned lessons no matter how much money u earn and how much material health we accumulate it is health most important, eat well, exercise, massage, relax.

All the signs tell me not going back anymore, I should do it, with one bag.

shrub mixed vinegar,是新的尝试,试图完成下周课程复习。

看到Eddie post,不管真假,都很羡慕他对jocelin的爱,希望成为第二个jocelin还是第一个lin?有希望吗,就是要傻傻的奉献,不求回报,不问因果,有希望啊!

去游泳,还是storm,也无所谓,就是客服jelly fish担心,总是到了另一处,黑金沙滩,很多mineral,希望可以heal我的伤痛

到处都是俄罗斯人,不是对民族有任何歧视,就是非常不健康的吸烟,喝酒,暴饮暴食,每个人都舔着个巨大的肚子,看着好可怕。看到一个俄罗斯女孩提供ashtanga class,美得很,也是即将逝去的美,因而更难得!晚上waiter说russian just to beach then home, nowhere else, drug, alcohol and smoke, maybe sex?

我去了kingfisher,看到incense:Mysore Agarbathi is a variety of incense sticks manufactured at Mysore using locally grown ingredients which was found only in state of Karnataka before. 有意思,我应该在那里多买些。

很多人看到我都问我virus,massage place,餐厅,我都说自己住在美国,为中国和在那里的人担忧。watier说: just like bruce lee!

I laughed, u know what Bruce Lee said: be water my friend, we are all water, in the same sea, what happened in China is affecting all of us, wise man!

angampora我学到,waiter很感兴趣,需要学习很多医学,hela wedakama,我鼓励男孩子学习,问他jelly fish, never happened he said, we do not have, same like when I went to UK just before got bitten by jelly fish Nuannuan said we swam years never happened to us, seems I attract jelly fish, pls do good to me.

Indigenous Medicine of Sri Lanka (Hela Wedakama) is an ancient wisdom tradition of healthcare and healing practices inherited by cultural heritage unique to native people. Indigenous medical knowledge and practices dispersed throughout the country are culture-bound repository of ancestral wisdom prevailed through generations. HELA WEDA MAHIMA is a sector-specific ICH production that presents most of ICH elements pertaining to livelihoods and craftsmanship associated with indigenous medical sector. Therefore selection of captions and stories should be very authentic and genuine to represent the heritage of culture and traditional identities of indigenous medicine in Sri Lanka.

晚上party 10.30开始,凌晨结束,估计我已经起来啦。确实如此,今天早晨经历了party 结束meat packing district 一样的交通堵塞和喧闹。


  • 对自己好一些就是接受sign!和俄罗斯妓女和老鸭子一起住的感觉!

    2020-02-15 我和妓女老鸭子住一起,半夜都是噪音或者小型party,酒精,早晨香烟环绕,女人们饿急了一样吃...

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  • 接受想法和感觉


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  • 女生

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