New Management---商业即兴65

New Management---商业即兴65

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-22 22:51 被阅读0次

New Management:新管理新范式

Leading is not managing. Managing is not leading. To some this is a pair of seemingly obvious truisms. Others lack clarity on the difference between leading and managing. I’d suggest that the act of man�aging focuses strictly on strategic thinking at its most practical—on execution. Managing is taking care of logistical and practical details.


Every team-related task needs to be managed to some extent, and the quality of managing can fall anywhere on a spectrum that runs from well-oiled machine to gear-grinding nightmare. The real problem arises when anyone confuses the managing of job-specific details with actual leadership. One does not need to be a visionary to qualify as a leader, but leadership does imply vision from a position of oversight.


Managing is a part of leading, and a great leader can and should be an excellent manager. The skill of managing, though, is only one part of leading, and managing in and of itself is not leading.While a good manager needs to effectively communicate data and details, a good leader communicates on a broader, higher level. A leader drives for results, leads by example, and develops talent—actions that may not readily show up on a manager’s spreadsheet (but which will engender results that make that spreadsheet a lot better looking).


 A great improvisational leader promotes teamwork and cooperation, values and respects the differences of team members, connects with others in empathetic ways, and leverages the talents of others to get the best possible results out of a team, all while hitting the strategically targeted bull’s-eye.


Being There

One extremely critical aspect of leadership is “presence,” physical and otherwise. The way in which a leader’s presence is felt dictates the leader’s ability to command the respect, attention, and devotion of a team.


Leaders need people to follow them because, on the most basic dictionary level, you can’t define yourself as a leader if nobody is following. There are of course many ways to get people to follow you.In some workplaces—probably way too many—leaders lead through fear. Sure, fear can be a powerful motivator but when you’ve got people doing what you ask them to simply because they are afraid of being fired, you might be severely limiting the type of success you can achieve. When people are afraid of failure they do not take risks, and without risk there is limited chance for adaptation, innovation, and great discoveries.


Other leaders might allow status to provide all the leadership they desire. Such leaders can give orders in military style and assume that others will obey. If a leader’s position is codified by rank—job title—it’s a reasonable assumption that people of lower rank will follow the orders of leaders of higher rank. Within the military itself this kind of leadership via job title is needed to maintain structure and avoid chaos. 


In business, however, if people are following a leader only on the basis of his or her position in a hierarchy without any inherent trust and respect, it is likely they will never feel intrinsically motivated to do anything beyond executing simple orders. In improvisational leadership the emphasis is put on communication and connection rather than hierarchy. The appeal of this approach is that people come to feel they are appreciated and valued for what they can contribute, and they commit to a project, process, or person more fully. When a proper relationship is built between a leader and those being led, people feel good about doing much more than the minimum required for a job.


Those good feelings are a fringe benefit—the real benefit is the return one achieves with a small investment in human capital (i.e., the job gets done better and valued employees want to stay with their leaders,who care about them—remember, people don’t quit jobs; they quit people).


For an improvisational leader presence begins with mindfulness. As discussed in Chapter 3, mindfulness is a state of active, open attention in the moment. When you’re mindful you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance without judging them good or bad. When you are mindful you are living in the moment and completely engaged with the experience around you. Mindfulness is always a key element of improvisation, and in a position of leadership a mindful level of awareness becomes even more important.


 To be an effective leader you have to know how others perceive you and how to control and adapt yourself if those perceptions need to be manipulated. You also need to know how to perceive others—how to “read” them—and you have to be fully prepared to interact with all sorts of people in all sorts of situations. In reviewing how you see others and how others see you, youshould have a strong sense of the kind of leader you are (which may not always line up with the kind of leader you aim to be). How do you respond in real time to a dynamic environment? Are you angry? Frustrated? Stern? Passionate? Cool and collected? Withdrawn? The more honest you are about how you are truly perceived as a leader, the better the chance you can influence those perceptions in a positive way.


It doesn’t cost much in time or money to achieve mindfulness. About two minutes’ worth of thoughtful self-auditing can do the trick.That small mental refocus, however, can be the difference between improvisational thinking focused toward success and flying by the seat of your pants to get the best result you can at the time. And again, the purpose of putting in that two minutes’ worth of self-auditing effort isn’t to get a team to like you. The purpose is to become a thoughtful leader who gets the best possible work out of your team, and out of yourself. I would add though that those two minutes really have to count. Improvisation requires real focus and concentration and it never helps to go through the motions of being focused without really getting into the mind-set. 

花费时间或金钱来获得正念。大约两分钟的深思熟虑的自我审核就可以解决问题,但是,小的精神重新集中可能是专注于成功的即席思考与by着裤子坐下来以获得当时最佳结果的区别。 。同样,花费那两分钟的时间进行自我审核的目的并不是要让团队喜欢您。目的是要成为一个富有思想的领导者,从您的团队和您自己身上获得最好的工作。我要补充一点,尽管那两分钟确实很重要。即兴创作需要真正的专注和专心,并且在没有真正进入思维定式的情况下进行专注的动作是无济于事的。

A lot of people think that concentration works like a light switch—“I’m going to switch this switch on, and now, poof, I’m focused.” What I’ve found is that focus and concentration—like the ability to postpone judgment—aren’t switches. They’re dials, which can be turned up or down. If you want to get into the game state of mindfulness, make sure you’re turning up the appropriate dial to the appropriate level. Further, you have to practice turning the dial often. Once you achieve a level of muscle memory turning the dial, you will be able to shift from “unfocused” to “focused” as quickly as if you were hitting a switch.


Mindfulness makes you present in a mental, intellectual, and emotional manner. Once that’s achieved, there is also a practical, physical aspect of presence that needs to be considered. This is where the selfaudit comes also into play. It’s extremely important that a leader be seen. However, presence is not simply the physical act of being in a room. There is mental presence and the act of how you hold yourself while in a room. Like energy and attitude, moods are contagious. A great leader leads by example, and when it comes to intangibles like team focus and team energy if the leader is not around to model the example, it’s not going to get followed.


 A leader’s physical presence is a guiding force when things are running smoothly and becomes even more important when something goes wrong. In a time of crisis a team needs somebody to step up and say, “I’m the one who is ac�countable. I’m steering the ship, and given what’s happening around us, we’re going to follow the course I set.” That holds true for the leader of a small team, a whole department, or an entire company.


Think about how motivated and inspired Apple employees must have felt when Steve Jobs took to the MacWorld stage in 2007 to introduce the game-changing iPhone—after he had gone public with the fact that he was suffering from terminal pancreatic cancer. Or how those employees must have felt when Jobs returned to the stage in 2009 after a months-long medical leave to introduce the original iPad. An effective leader should always remember that physical presence speaks volumes.

想一想,当史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)公开宣布自己患有晚期胰腺癌后,乔布斯(Steve Jobs)于2007年进入MacWorld舞台,介绍了改变游戏规则的iPhone时,一定会有动力和鼓舞。或者,当乔布斯休假几个月以介绍原始iPad后,2009年乔布斯重返舞台时,这些员工的感受如何。有效的领导者应始终记住,身体的存在能说明问题。

A few tips on getting physical:


• Observe. When you first arrive in a certain situation, take a moment to observe and take in as much as possible. If you are aware of your environment then you put yourself in a better position to recognize opportunities as they unfold, to set up contingency plans on the fly, and to react instinctively in the environment, in the moment.


• Listen with your entire body. Most of us think about what we are going to say next as opposed to being focused, present in the moment, and simply reacting honestly. This is a basic human communication pitfall and leads to misunderstandings,misdirection, and conflict. Commit to the person talking with you and give that person your undivided attention. Make sure that attention is made clear through both mental focus and physical posture.


• Lean forward. If you lean forward, which way will you fall? (And if you lean backward, which way will you fall?) This is another way of saying be active and on your toes. Develop habits like mentally leaning forward, and strengthen the skill set needed to react thoughtfully.

• 探身过去。如果您向前倾斜,您会跌倒哪条路?(如果您向后倾斜,您会跌倒哪条路?)这是另一种表示保持活跃并保持脚尖活动的方式。养成诸如在精神上向前倾的习惯,并增强进行沉思反应所需的技能。



      本文标题:New Management---商业即兴65
