

作者: 祥祥布鲁斯 | 来源:发表于2020-05-12 08:37 被阅读0次


I THINK BY NOW I HAVE MADE IT CLEAR that while the critical first step in changing a corporate culture is to commit to initiating positive change (first on an individual basis, then on an interpersonal and small-group basis, and then on a larger team basis), the even more critical followup step is to put in the effort to sustain those changes. If you have taken steps to instill “Yes, and . . . ” communication, developed habits of self-auditing and mindfulness, become aware of how to reach energy sweet spots, assembled (or begun to assemble) elite teams, and encouraged open ideation among colleagues, then all of these changes must be continually developed, practiced, and fiercely protected.Sometimes, though, that protection can itself become a problem.


If individuals, small groups, teams, or departments within a company become self-protective to the point of becoming insulated and isolated from the rest of the company, the company might suffer—no matter how many best practices have been put into place in the isolated group. This is familiarly known as siloing, stove-piping, or chimneying,and it remains one of the problems I am most frequently asked to deal with in ailing companies. Let’s blow up some silos.


Back in 2003 the American Management Association published a survey in which 83 percent of the respondents acknowledged that there were silos in their companies, and 97 percent of that group saidthat siloing had a negative effect on their company.1 In the years since then the trend in business has been for management to become less hierarchical and more team oriented. One might assume that a lot of silos have been toppled. In fact the problem is still with us and in some ways has become even more prevalent.

早在2003年,美国管理协会(American Management Association)就发布了一项调查,其中83%的受访者承认其公司中存在孤岛,而该群体中的97%的人表示孤岛对他们的公司具有负面影响。1在业务中,管理变得越来越少了等级,更多地面向团队。一个人可能会认为已经打破了许多孤岛。实际上,问题仍然存在,并且在某些方面变得更加普遍。

The classic silo problem might have been envisioned as something that happened in the largest companies when one department just refused to play well with others (“Those slick marketing guys don’t ever tell anyone in sales what they’re up to”). Turns out that silos can be put up just about anywhere, in any size company, even within the teams and departments of a company. It’s not just a problem for behemoths with 50,000 employees—even small businesses at the 50-employee level can run into siloing trouble.


Just to be clear about terms, picture for a moment a real silo on a  farm. The silo is an individual structure and primarily does one thing:stores corn or other grain. It is vertically oriented and is designed to do its one task no matter what else is happening on the farm. In that setting the silo is not a problem: the farmer is perfectly happy with a silo that is insulated and isolated, as long as it accomplishes its one task of containment.


In a business setting the separate, single-minded silo is rarely an asset. If we get a little more metaphorical and think of the workplace silo as something that contains communication rather than barleycorn, the containment of that communication usually works against a company’s overall interests. When groups, teams, or departments  begin to act as their own independent entity and don’t allow communication to flow inward from or outward to other people, teams, projects, and departments, a company is going to suffer from competitive turf wars, sagging morale, and poor relationships (internally within the company and externally with customers and clients). That suffer�ing will eventually impact profits.


The solution to silos is, logically enough, silo busting. That’s the process of letting all the elements of a company know that there will be no independent entities allowed to  function on their own.2 No matter what team you’re on or what department you’re in, communication with other people in the company—horizontal communication—is required. Teams must share with other teams, not only to learn best practices but also to learn about pitfalls and challenges. To mix the metaphor (while staying on the farm), when we bust silos we are proclaiming that no one gets to be the corn that stands alone.


There are rare times when siloing would fit the nature of the work being done (note that in the AMA survey cited above there were a whopping 3 percent of respondents who didn’t feel silos were a problem). Such positive silo scenarios might include things like government work in which classified information is being handled, military operations in which secrecy is required, or medical research in which a study must be conducted independently and must stand on its own.


Sometimes a very strict division of labor is required to get a job done,and if you have strong teams with specific expertise working toward a specific goal, that division of labor makes sense. The classified government work ostensibly has the nation’s welfare in mind; the military mission is part of an overall strategy; and the medical research aims to benefit the public at large. A thoughtful, strategic approach to a division of labor is not the kind of siloing that produces problems.


However, what we do in the business world rarely rises to the lifeand-death matters dealt with by SEAL Team 6 or doctors working toward miracle cures. The chances that a given silo is a good thing are pretty slim, especially over long periods. Even in the realm of topsecret data and classified information, recent history has shown us that silos can be counterproductive. Probably the greatest example of governmental silo busting over the last couple of decades occurred in the wake of the September 11 attacks with the establishment of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Director of National Intelligence (DNI).


The DHS was established to facilitate communication between 22 separate federal agencies from the Coast Guard to the Secret Service, and to make sure that all these agencies, each with their own culture and history and communication channels, worked together toward common goals: keeping America and Americans safe on our home turf. Similarly the position of DNI was created to oversee the 17 agencies of the U.S. intelligence community (CIA, FBI, DEA, etc.) and to ensure that information relevant to national security was not hoarded by any one agency. We can leave it to historians and political pundits to decide whether the DHS and DNI truly busted silos or just created one humongous, better-fortified silo in which to store a group of smaller silos. The point, though, is that both were created because the perils of noncommunicative teams and departments could not be ignored.


Siloing naturally exists in organizations that have recently merged with other companies and have yet to consolidate into one organization. Silos also exist in organizations that have different departments in which there is limited perceived benefit to sharing information. And silos are inherent in organizations that have multiple branches that operate autonomously from each other with their own sets of problems.In each example, however, there is a real need to unify the company,establish trust, and have people talking and sharing best practices with each other.




