
作者: 啊攀攀了 | 来源:发表于2021-12-29 06:25 被阅读0次

I want to share my point of view.

Either eating at home or eating out is okay for me. In a restaurant, the environment is good, the food is tasty  while at home, the process of preparing food is also enjoyable.

However, this year I had better have family dinner at home. It is not only for the love from my family members but also for the safety concern because of the virus. You know safety is more important.

Also because of the safety concern, maybe people who work far away from home won't return home and have family dinner with their family members. They eat out not because they want to but because they have to.  From this perspective, maybe it's time for our tradition to have a change.

But remember, just as what our book says where and what we eat doesn't matter and the love between our family members are always the same.

With the Spring Festival coming soon, I wish all of you healthy body and happy new year.


I want to share my point of view.

Eating at home or eating out are both okay for me. In a restaurant, the environment is good and the food is tasty. While at home, the process of preparing food is enjoyable.

However, this year it seems better to have a family dinner at home. It is not only for the love from my family members but also because of the danger from the cocos virus. We all feel safety is the most important consideration.

Also because of the virus, some people who work far away from home might not be able to return home to have a family dinner. They will have to eat out not whether they want to or not. From this perspective, maybe it's time for our tradition to change.

But remember, where and what we eat doesn't matter. the love between family members remains the same.

With the Spring Festival coming soon, I wish all of you healthy and happy new year.


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