正面清单 通过电话、邮件、微信等双方接受的形式确认您愿意参加面试 DO Confirm your willingness to attend the interview by phone or Email. 对可能被问的高频问题进行预演和模拟. DO Rehearse your answers to likely questions. 避免主动问薪资、试用期不过的规定、病假、节假日规定 DO Avoid asking about No Pass of the probationary period, sick pay, holidays, etc. 确保知道在哪里面试,如何准时到达 Ensure you know where you are to be interviewed. 最好提前15分钟到达 DO Plan to arrive 15 minutes before the time. 穿着得体 DO Dress appropriately. 礼貌对待雇主区域的任何一位工作人员 DO Be polite to any staff member you meet. 进门先敲门 Knock the door before you enter the interview room. 全程微笑 握手有力 DO Smile and offer a firm handshake. 回答问题之前思考3-5秒 表示郑重 DO Give yourself thinking time before answering. 语气平静、沉稳而自信 DO Use a calm, positive tone of voice. 发音清楚不含含糊糊 DO Speak clearly and don’t mumble. 仅收到邀请时才能提问 DO Ask questions only when invited to. 记得致谢 DO Thank the interviewer at the end.