

作者: 蔚海山庄三六子 | 来源:发表于2022-08-18 19:09 被阅读0次

multī Pompēiānī in tabernā vīnum bibēbant. Clēmēns tabernam intrāvit. subitō Clēmēns 'Fēlīx!' clāmāvit. Clēmēns Fēlīcem laetē salūtāvit. Fēlīx erat lībertus.

Many Pompeians were drinking wine in the inn. Clement entered the inn. Suddenly Clemens shouted:” Felix !” Clement greeted Felix happily. Felix was an ex-slave.


Clēmēns Fēlīcem ad vīllam invītāvit. Clēmēns et Fēlīx vīllam intrāvērunt. Clēmēns Caecilium et Metellam quaesīvit. Caecilius in tablīnō scrībēbat. Metella in hortō sedēbat. Caecilius et Metella ad ātrium festīnāvērunt et Fēlīcem salūtāvērunt.

Clemens invited Felix to the villa. Clemens and Felix went into the villa. Clemens looked for Caecilius and Metella. Caecilius was writing in the study. Metella was sitting in the garden. Caecilius and Metella went to the atrium hurriedly to welcome Felix.


postquam Quīntus ātrium intrāvit, Fēlīx iuvenem spectāvit. lībertus erat valdē commōtus. paene lacrimābat; sed rīdēbat.

Afterward, Quintus entered the atrium. Felix looked at the young man. The ex-slave was very much affected. He was almost crying. But he laughed.


tum Clēmēns ad culīnam festīnāvit. Grumiō in culīnā dormiēbat. Clēmēns coquum excitāvit et tōtam rem nārrāvit. coquus, quod erat laetus, cēnam optimam parāvit.

Then Clemens harried to the kitchen. Grumio was sleeping in there. Clemens woke him up and told him the whole story. Because the cook was happy so the dinner was prepared excellently.




