

作者: 随机运动 | 来源:发表于2019-02-01 15:56 被阅读13次

Guess what? I received more work assignments in the past few days. Since I am busy with work tasks, plus commuting between the hospital and home to take care of my parents, I don't have time to read and write. So here I am, back to my comfortable routine of writing personal notes in English.

I feel a little bit guilty for doing this because it feels like somehow cheating. But I would like to keep my daily writing streak going for a long time. So when I don't have any bright ideas on what I will write for a day, this will be how I am going to continue.

Besides my daily writing, my work is getting more exciting. Although working on a server remotely through a WiFi connection is cumbersome, I have been lucky so far that my project has been going smoothly. I have successfully balanced the hydraulic modeling results to the desired error allowance. I even did manual adjustments when the software built-in RTC controls failed to converge to the correct ranges. These must sound pedantic to my readers, I know. I just can't help to express my feelings here. It's my article after all.

It's a weekend. so cheers!


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