旅行神器:Lonely Planet, Fodor's Travel, TripAdvisor, Couchsurfing
Read: 1 TripAdvisor 猫头鹰旅行(app) 2 吐槽 (值得学的是学完就能用的):tagine 塔吉锅
尬聊锦囊:1. 心态:别怕说不好 2. 行动:为下次做准备 3 时机:早餐和候机 4 内容:安利、吐槽、交流旅游经验 5. 主动、有备而来:相信自己是个有故事的人,找到自己的perspective,go-to话题
1 medina 老城
2 souq=market, bazaar 市场 (From the bazaar to bonanza)
3 riad, dar 民宿
4. itinerary 行程
5. hump 驼峰 What do you call a three-humped camel? -Pregnant.
6. gorge 三峡
7. hammam 澡堂
8. chickpeas 鹰嘴豆
9. grapefruit 西柚
10. jackfruit 菠萝蜜
11. aubergine 茄子=eggplant
12. cilantro香菜 coriander
13. touristy 玩坏了的旅游景点
14. live 长久居住, stay 短暂停留
15. 电话号码,密码等一个一个数字的念,例如六个零 six zeros或double zero, double zero, double zero或zero zero zero zero zero zero
16. whereabouts 行踪,在哪里,你从哪里来 Whereabouts?
17. prophetic 预见性
18. antichoke 洋蓟
19. make a buck 赚点小钱 make ends meet
20. con/scam 坑人,骗人
21. tannery 皮革厂
22. You gonna do what you gonna do.
23. between jobs/ schools 时间点
24. impromptu trip= spur of the moment trip 想走就走的旅行
25. way different= very different
26. chameleon 变色龙
27. 儿童座椅 high chair
28. porter 门童(lug/ schlep)
29. equivalent
30. understandable
31. It grows on me. 越来越喜欢
32. They shower her with kisses and gifts. 大量给
33. We come, we see, we conquer.
34. a bundle of joy 新生儿
a handful 熊孩子, a terrible two
35. play one for a sucker
36. terrace,rooftop 屋顶
Personal Review
I tend to confuse Morocco with Monaco. Morocco is a country located in northwestern Africa, with Arabic and French as working languages, whereas Monaco is a small country in western Europe, known for gambling and speaking French. They share the French tongue. This is my luck.
A tour in Morocco introduced the charm of both English and French to Eric. As his list of acquired words and expressions rolls out, I experience aha moments time and again.
It is a revered tradition to take a hammam in Morocco. Many Moroccan women spend several hours in a hammam, cleaning themselves up from top to bottom. I caught a glimpse of the French word "homme" on the photo Eric took outside a hammam. I guess that's the entrance of men's hammam.
Coiffeur in French is a male hairdresser. For female, coiffeuse. I was surprised when Eric said "coiffeur" was male only. As far as I know, he knows little French. After consulting a dictionary, I now see the word has been transferred into English. The adj "coiffed" is used to describe an attractive hairstyle. For example, entertainment stars sport coiffed hair.
Julius Caesar said in Latin," Veni vidi vici." In English, "I came, I saw, I conquered." In French, <<Je suis venu, j'ai vu, j'ai vaincu. >> 中文,"我来,我见,我征服。" A travel between languages is worthwhile.