
作者: 英俊小牛奶 | 来源:发表于2019-01-19 21:12 被阅读0次


1.. 穿塑身衣8小时,效果很好,虽然有那么点不舒服。


1. 百词斩30个单词,不太熟的有:

(1) tray 托盘

(2) refine 精炼

(3) dim 昏暗的

(4) prevalent 流行的

2. 听力:6 minute 上相的食物

(1) presentable:descibe something that looks good, is smart and is good enough for people to see.

(2) social media-addicted world 社交上瘾的世界

(3) feast on a question 从一个问题开始

(4) cliche:is used so much that it has become boring

3. 口语:family 【名词动词形容词副词用升调】

(1) The average size of the nuclear family has decreased and family roles are being refined.

nuclear family:核心家庭(父母+子女)

(2) The breadwinner is no longer automatically the man of the family as more women join the workforce.

(3) The instances of stay-at-home dads are on the rise in many western nations.

4. 阅读:原版巴斯克维尔猎犬(7-8章)

5. 写作:


Practice:Although animal experiment is important for scentific research, researchers should decrease the sadness of annimal in experiment.

改正:Although animal experimentation is important to scentific research, researchers should minimize the suffering that annimals experience during tests.


(1) animal experimentation 动物实验 

(2) be important to 对...很重要

(3) minimize the suffering that xxx experience 减轻xxx承受的痛苦

(4) well-respected 受人尊敬的

(5) internationally recognised 因...被国际认可

(6) renew discussion of 引发...评论

(7) widely admired for 因...被大家敬仰

some people argue that the best way to have a successful life is to attend college, but other people do not think so. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


A 上大学 B可以学习知识,增强专业性,把握到更多的机会 C事业成功


A 上大学 B不注意情商和素质的提升,遇到困难和挫折不能很好的面对 C 事业很难成功

(3)题目有the best,要进行对比

A 上大学 B不注重培养沟通能力,与人协作困难,导致项目很难完成 C事业很难成功





