A. The mathematical equations involving "Work, Force, and Power" are engineering equations which satisfy the past and present-day industries of the world. They are not appropriate to future industries. Such equations are not universal, scientific equations and they do not satisfy a rigorous scientific scrutiny. The equations which I will propose below are scientific equations and do satisfy scientific scrutiny. In addition, these equations will fulfill the future engineering need of industry and will conceptually mesh with an understanding of the gyroscopic-action-entity which is the basic building block of all matter and represents the mechanical essence of E = MC^2 .
A. 关于“功、力、功率”的精确数学等式只能满足过去和当前世界工业的工程要求。它们不适用于未来的工业。这种等式不是普遍科学的等式,它们不满足严谨的科学审查。我下面提出的等式是科学的等式,满足科学的严谨性。另外,这些等式可以达到未来工业的工程需要,在概念上与自旋子的理解匹配,自旋子是所有物质的基础砖块并是E = MC^2的力学本质。
I will now define a "Force" in accordance with Newton's Laws:
"A 'Force' is any action capable of causing a reaction from an entity which is in or may enter the influence of that 'Force'!"
To an observer, "Force" may be perceived as "Obvious" or "Unobvious." I mathematically distinguish between "Obvious" or "Unobvious" Force. One cannot have (Obvious or Unobvious) "Work, Force, or Power" occurring without energy participation and transference.
The consistent, semantic application of the terms Obvious or Unobvious to "Work, Force, or Power" will accurately stimulate the mind of the thinking individual which will further the progress of science and the improvement of the Human Race.
B. It is the essence of the scientific method that a scientific theory should stand or fall with respect to whether its predictions correspond with the Facts. With this in mind, I will now apply the conventional mathematical formulas for Work, Power, and Force to a factual observation:
B. 科学方法的本质是一个科学理论好坏决定于预测结果是否和事实一致。基于这种思想,我将用传统功、功率和力的的数学等式观察事实。
"A man has a 400-pound mass placed upon his shoulders. The gravitational force pushes down with 400 pounds upon the man. The man pushes up with 400 pounds of force on the mass. The man supports the 400 pound mass for 10 minutes and then pivots from under the mass to permit it to fall. (Had the man continued to support the mass he would have become fatigued to the point of collapse and physical damage.)"
WORK = FORCE * DISTANCE (by conventional mathematics)
According to this simple formula, the man in the above example did no work.
POWER = WORK/TIME (by conventional mathematics)
According to this simple formula, the man in the above example exerted no power.
FORCE = MASS *ACCELERATION (by conventional mathematics)
According to this simple formula, the man in the above example exerted no force.
[I should point out that from the perspective of Statics, there is FORCE exerted but there is no POWER or WORK.]
Because the force of the man and the force of gravity upon the mass are equal and opposite, then conventional mathematics would state that there is a net force of zero.
C. I will now examine the internal actions of the man in Figure 26-B to determine if the predictions obtained via conventional mathematics correspond with the Facts.
The Facts are as follows: During strenuous exercise or stress, the heart may pump eight times as much blood as in a period of relative relaxation, i.e., as many as 12 gallons a minute. All of the following conditions drastically increased while the man held the mass: the heartbeat, blood flow, breathing, oxygen flow, the electromagnetic stimulation of the brain and body cells, and the fermentation process to produce energy occurring within the muscle cells.
Internally speaking, the man did produce Work and Power which resulted in the man producing a Force. Internally speaking, Potential Energy was converted to Kinetic Energy. It is important to note that the Potential Energy of the mass being supported by the man was a direct result of the internal, Kinetic Energy within the man. In essence, the presently -accepted, mathematical equations concerning Work, Power, and Force do not correspond with the facts.
D. To properly view the Facts from a scientific basis, the man in the above experiment did produce Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, and Unobvious Force. Until he dropped the 400-pound mass, both the man and gravity exerted a force. Consequently, the net force could not be zero -only the net movement was zero.
E. By subjecting them to proper scientific scrutiny, the presently-accepted, mathematical formulas describing Work, Power, Force, Potential and Kinetic Energy are not scientifically accurate! I propose that more explicit and scientific mathematical formulas would be as follows:
The above mathematical formulas do correspond with the facts. They satisfy all previous requirements as well as the example of the man supporting a 400-pound mass. The man did produce Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, Unobvious Force, and Unobvious Kinetic Energy. He did not produce Obvious Work, Obvious Power, Obvious Force, or Obvious Kinetic Energy.
The L. Pearce Williams biography on Michael Faraday states that during the early years of Faraday's intellectual development, Faraday was very impressed with a book written by Dr. Isaac Watts entitled, The Improvement of the Mind. As a disciple of John Locke, Dr. Watts continually emphasized the importance of the observed fact and the dangers of imprecise language. In his book, The Improvement of the Mind [published in London, 1809], Dr. Watt cautions the student to carefully distinguish between words and things lest he "feed upon husks instead of kernels." Dr. Watt's emphasis upon careful observation and precisely described facts equipped Michael Faraday with a seemingly infallible guide, i.e., the essence of the scientific method. I wish to provide you, the reader, with the precise, mathematical equations which I have presented above in order to permit a better scientific understanding of matter.
L. Pearce Williams在法拉第传记中说,在法拉第早年学习中,法拉第对瓦特写的The Improvement of the Mind一书印象非常深刻。作为约翰·洛克的信徒,瓦特先生连续强调观察到的事实和不精确语言的危险的重要性。在这本眉目里,The Improvement of the Mind[伦敦印刷,1809],瓦特先生劝告学生小心识别单词等,唯恐他“注重外在而不是核心”。瓦特先生强调小心观察和精确描述事实给法拉第一贯正确的指导,也就是,科学方法的本质。我希望提供给你,读者,我上面提出的精确的数学公式,来对物质有更科学的理解。
F. It can now be scientifically observed from the facts that all static forces and all potential energies exist as a result of continuing, Unobvious Kinetic Energy . (Verify this fact by observing the Unobvious Kinetic Energy internally produced within the man as long as he supported the 400-pound mass on his shoulders.)
"It can now be scientifically observed from the facts that all static forces and all potential energies exist as a result of continuing, Unobvious Kinetic Energy."
There are additional observations which verify the existence of Unobvious Kinetic Energy: materials both fatigue and break/collapse from supporting a force. Gas molecules "heat up" when compressed by a force. Such observations prove that materials react with Internal, Unobvious Kinetic Energy when a static force or Potential Energy is exerted against them.
G. To improve your understanding of my statements, consider Einstein's equation of E = MC2. The nature of the mass-energy relationship is such that the mass (and weight) changes associated with Potential Energy conversion into Unobvious Kinetic Energy (which occurs internally within matter) is immeasurably small. Consider also that the gyroscopic-action-entity represents the Mechanical Essence of Einstein's equation of E = MC2 and that the mathematical formulas I present properly account for the existence of the gyroscopic-action-entity.
G. 为了让你更理解我的陈述,考虑爱因斯坦的E = MC^2方程。质能关系的理论是这样的,质量(和重量)的变化关系到势能转化为不可见动能(发生在物质内部),微小到不可测量。同时考虑到,自旋子代表爱因斯坦E = MC^2方程的力学本质,我提出的数学公式恰当的说明了自旋子的存在。
Newton's Third Law of Motion states: by the law of Action and Reaction, a Force must be resisted by an Equal and Opposite Force.
What does the mathematical term "equal" really mean? It means "identical in mathematical value or logical denotation; equivalent.”
According to Newton's Third Law: if I hold an iron material at a distance (see Figure 26-G) from a strong, permanent magnet (causing me to resist a constant attraction force of 200 lbs.) -what happens to me? I must use Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy to continually resist the attraction force of the permanent magnet. According to Newton's Third Law, the magnet must also be utilizing Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy to produce the constant attraction force, i.e., an "equal” action and reaction!
If the magnet were not to react with Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy, then Newton's Third Law would be defied. In resisting a continual, attraction force, I had to expend a constant, Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy. If the magnet produced a constant attraction force and did not utilize any Unobvious, Internal Kinetic Energy, then such observed results would be "opposite" and not "equal.” Hence, such a conclusion would be obviously incorrect.
The Facts clearly show that the atoms within myself, the magnet, the iron material, and the wall all produced "Unobvious Work, Force, and Power.” There was no "Obvious Work, Force, or Power" produced.
H. I have presented more precise mathematical equations which are conducive to an improved scientific comprehension of Matter in accordance with the Mechanical Essence of Einstein 's Equation of E=MC2. Such a mechanical essence is represented by the gyroscopic-action-entity which is the basic building entity of all matter.
Consider once again the equations Wu = FT,( Pu =Wu/T), and Fu = [S]F.
再考虑公式Wu = FT、( Pu =Wu/T)和 Fu = [S]F。
A permanent magnet "X” that attracts an object "Y" with a constant force of 200 lbs., twenty-four hours a day for 30 days will have performed the following:
Wu =(200) * (60 sec.) * (60 min.) * (24 hrs.) *(30 days)
Wu=518,400,000 lbs.-sec.
Fu = 200 lbs. constant
Pu = 200 lbs. constant
The gyroscopic energy in the magnetic field produced Unobvious Work, Unobvious Power, and Unobvious Force. The magnetic field also maintained Potential Energy via the use of Unobvious Kinetic Energy to accomplish this task. The mass loss is not easily measurable since we are describing the effects that generate atomic energy. As you know, we are discussing E = MC2. The existence of the GyroscopicAction-Entity exactly fits the First Law of Thermodynamics since it appears this Entity cannot be created or destroyed.
磁场区域自旋子能量产生不可见功、不可见功率和不可见力。磁场区域同时通过用不可见动能保持势能来完成任务。质量的损失是不容易测量的,因为我们描述的效果产生于次原子级能量。正如你所知,我们讨论E = MC^2。自旋子的存在精确的符合热力学第一定律,因为它出现了不能被创建和毁灭的实体。
The present utilization of atomic reactors as a source of energy production is extremely inadequate for the demand.
The energy machine I have innovated has no harmful side effects*, will cost little, and will be small in size compared to a nuclear reactor. All that I have written has been based upon the concept of the gyroscopic entity on which I started working in 1965. Since that time I have sought to prove or disprove this concept. The more I have learned the more certain I became of its truth.
If you have Mastered what I teach, then you must recognize the reality of my Pioneering Invention. However, the access to an unlimited source of energy is not by any means the ultimate discovery!
The energy machine I have innovated simply uses Universal Energy (the gyroscopic-action-entity). Such utilization must occur if man is to end his stupidity, hunger, greed, and wars -and advance to other solar systems! Consider how long it took our Species to discover how to harness the motion of flowing water via a simple waterwheel.
It has been obvious to me that what I have seen so clearly was unimaginable for most people. What I have seen is, at the very least, equal to the effect of Einstein's equation of E = MC2. It gives me much contentment if you now understand what I have presented. This is the purpose of my Book.
很明显,我看到的对大多数人来说是不可想象的。我看到的是,最基本的,爱因斯坦E = MC^2方程式的效果。如果你已经明白我所说的我将非常满足。这是我这本书的目的所在。
*Note: There are no harmful side effects because the size of the gyroscopic-action-entity is so small that it easily passes through the atomic structure of living tissue. In nuclear fission, the sub-atomic particles (representing agglutinations of gyroscopic particles) are far larger and can do damage to the atomic structure of living tissue. By analogy, if one threw a dust particle at a large fishnet, the particle would easily pass through the net. However, if one attempted to pass a large boulder (composed of millions of dust particles) through the same fishnet, it would cause damage to the net. By another analogy. my energy machine - in its utilization of nuclear energy - differs from conventional nuclear energy sources in the following manner: I have discovered a previously unknown source of "underground, unique running water." I have therefore devised a "waterwheel" (my energy machine) to tap into this existing energy of unique running water (the continual motion of the gyroscopic particles). The conventional nuclear energy approach would be to secure a cup of normal water and attempt to "smash" the normal water with a hammer to extract the atomic energy from the water. My process is 100%.(conversion) efficient and harmless (due to the minute size of the gyroscopic particles). Conventional nuclear fission is less than 1% efficient and harmful (due to the larger size of the released particles).