
作者: 溪谷流音 | 来源:发表于2019-02-27 12:08 被阅读13次




    “A picture is worth a thousand words.”


    Like the animals we charish as our  companions, chickens by nature are inquisitive, affectionate, and personable.

    Chickens are intelligent problem solvers who possess some cognitive abilities more advanced than those of cats, dogs, and even some primates.

    Chickens have close family ties. They will fight foxes and eagles to protect their family members and they mourn the loss of a loved one.

    A mother hen begins bonding with her chicks before they even hatch by softly clucking to her unborn who chirp back to her from inside their shells.

    Just like the animal we call "best friend", cows are loving, sensitive, and full of personality.

    Cows are incredibly affectionate and protective mothers who frantically bellow and search for their babies for days and even weeks after their calves are taken away.

    Cows are smart and curious animals who enjoy intellectual challenges and sometimes even jump with excitement upon solving a problem.

    These gently giants are deeply layal to their families and human companions and mourn the death of those they love.



