And the award for the strangest, most unusual, and downright hilarious scientific research goes to...
“鸡喜欢长相漂亮的人类?”、“地狱是不是就跟黑洞一样?”、“给阉掉的公狗装上假睾丸会不会让它们感到快乐?”这些居然全部都是正经、规范的科学研究。每一年 9 月的时候,各领域的专家、学者与诺贝尔奖得主都会来到哈佛大学,表彰这些让人发笑的优秀研究。这样的一场科学的盛宴究竟会有多搞笑?里面有多少精妙的梗?今年又有哪些研究获此殊荣?
Pizza might protect against cancer, why wombats poop in cubes and a diaper changing machine that can be used on human babies — these are just some of the research and inventions awarded at this year's Ig Nobel Prizes, a spoof of the actual Nobel Prize awards.
The Ig Nobels are "intended to celebrate the unusual, honor the imaginative — and spur people's interest in science, medicine, and technology," according to its website. Even if the science does sound, well, hilarious.
Organized by the magazine Annals of Improbable Research, the awards have been going on for 29 years, always celebrated in September with a gala held at Harvard University. Winners accept their prizes from "genuinely bemused genuine Nobel Laureates," the website reads.
搞笑诺贝尔奖是由杂志《不可思议研究年鉴》组织的,今年已经是第 29 个年头了,它总是在每年 9 月的时候,以一场庆典的形式在哈佛大学举办。官网写道,“真实困惑的真·诺贝尔奖得主”将会给这些获奖者颁发奖项。
The winners are always sure to cause a few laughs, and this year's are no different. Two scientists from France won the Anatomy Prize for measuring scrotal temperature asymmetry in naked and clothed postmen in France, for example (the left one is warmer, but only when the postman is clothed).
Another team won the Peace Prize for trying to measure the pleasure of scratching an itch (itching in the ankle and back is way more pleasurable, they discovered).
There are more, and they're all real studies. Though some may sound ridiculous, the magazine holds that they're not trying to make fun of science or its achievements.
"We are honoring achievements that make people laugh, then think. A lot of good science gets attacked because of its absurdity. A lot of bad science gets revered despite its absurdity," the magazine states on their website.
Hey, we'll take anything that encourages us to eat more pizza.
- downright/ˈdaʊn.raɪt/
adv. 完全地,彻底地
词性拓展:downright (adj.)
搭配短语:a downright disgrace(奇耻大辱)
例句:She is downright rude.- hilarious/hɪˈler.i.əs/
adj. 极其滑稽的
英文释义:extremely funny
搭配短语:a hilarious novel- poop/puːp/
v. 拉屎
词性拓展:poop(n. 大便)- spoof/spuːf/
词性拓展:spoof (v.)
例句:Ig Nobel Prize spoofs the actual Nobel Prize awards.- celebrate/ˈsel.ə.breɪt/
v. 公开赞颂,赞扬;庆祝
英文释义:to honor or praise publicly
搭配短语:a novel celebrating love- spur/spɝː/
v. 促进,推动
词性拓展:spur(n. 刺激)
搭配短语:on the spur of the moment
例句:I ordered too much fried chicken on the spur of the moment.
近义词:encourage- gala/ˈɡeɪ.lə/
n. 庆典,盛会
搭配短语:a charity gala
搭配短语:a gala night- genuinely/ˈdʒen.ju.ɪ
adv. 真地
相关词汇:genuine (adj.)
搭配短语:genuine leather- bemused/bɪˈmjuːzd/
adj. 困惑的,茫然的
词性拓展:bemuse (v.)
英文释义:put into muse
例句:He was bemused by what was happening.- laureate/ˈlɔːr.i.ət/
词性拓展:laureate(adj. 戴着桂冠的)
英文释义:crowned with laurels
相关词汇:laurel(n. 月桂树)- anatomy/əˈnæt̬.ə.mi/
n. 解剖;解剖学
英文释义:a cutting up
搭配短语:Grey's Anatomy- scrotal/'skrəu.təl/
adj. 阴囊的
相关词汇:scrotum(n. 阴囊)
- asymmetry/ˌeɪˈsɪm·ɪ·tri/
n. 不对称
拓展发音:/əˈsɪmətrɪ/- scratch/skrætʃ/
v. 抓,挠
搭配短语:scratch one's head(苦思冥想)
搭配短语:scratch the surface(隔靴搔痒)- absurdity/əbˈsɝː.də.t̬i/
n. 荒谬
词性拓展:absurd (adj.)- revere/rɪˈvɪr/
v. 尊敬,崇敬
英文释义:respect and admire greatly
例句:He is revered as a national hero.
2019 搞笑诺贝尔奖部分得主
这项研究的第一作者 Silvano Gallus 就来自披萨的故乡——意大利,从 2003 年开始,他就在收集披萨可以抵抗疾病的证据。虽然说这绝对是正经、严谨的学术研究,但它总让人觉得这是吃货们在“利用职务之便”给自己多吃披萨找个正当理由。他们的研究发现,在意大利,多吃披萨确实可以降低一些癌症的发病率,但是这种优势很有可能是该地区健康的饮食习惯所导致。因此披萨抗癌这个结论或许只适用于意大利,这就是为什么搞笑诺贝尔在颁奖的时候表示,“Pizza might protect against illness and death, if the pizza is made and eaten in Italy”(如果披萨在意大利制作然后被食用,它们或许可以抵抗疾病和延缓死亡)。
这项发明堪称无数新手爸妈眼中的希望之光,发明它的是来自伊朗的团队。2018 年时,这项发明就在美国取得了专利。虽然相比其他几位获奖选手,这项发明的立意显得相对“普通、正常”,却获得了大量网友的追捧,他们表示:建议直接颁发真·诺贝尔奖;并不觉得它好笑,非常实用,求马上商业化。
这项研究就十分具有中国南方省份的特色了,一群来自新加坡、中国、德国等国的科学家,一起研究了美洲大蠊(American cockroach)对磁场的反应。美洲大蠊是蟑螂中的巨无霸,在我国很多省份都有分布。这群科学家就弄来了一群美洲大蠊,有的是死的,有的还活着。他们通过一些手段把蟑螂磁化,然后观察它们携带的磁性的差别。结果发现,死掉的美洲大蠊可以像冰箱贴一样吸在冰箱上,而活的就不能。科学家们在现场播放了演示视频,还带了一些“蟑螂冰箱贴”在现场发给观众,观众惊讶中带有一丝嫌弃的表情可想而知。