Python - Efficient way to add rows to dataframe
I used this answer's df.loc[i] = [new_data]
suggestion, but I have > 500,000 rows and that was very slow.
While the answers given are good for the OP's question, I found it more efficient, when dealing with large numbers of rows up front (instead of the tricking in described by the OP) to use csvwriter to add data to an in memory CSV object, then finally use pandas.read_csv(csv)
to generate the desired DataFrame output.
from io import BytesIO
from csv import writer
import pandas as pd
output = BytesIO()
csv_writer = writer(output)
for row in iterable_object:
csv_writer.writerow(row) # we need to get back to the start of the BytesIO
df = pd.read_csv(output)
return df
This, for ~500,000 rows was 1000x faster and as the row count grows the speed improvement will only get larger (the df.loc[1] = [data]
will get a lot slower comparatively)
Hope this helps someone who need efficiency when dealing with more rows than the OP.
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answered Jan 16 '18 at 18:09
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Could one alternatively, efficiently use an in-memory structure or CSV instead of actually writing a CSV to file? – matanster Jun 18 '18 at 6:42
@matanster To my understanding, and that is what the author actually states himself as well, this is already in memory. So hard to beat it. Is this actually faster than appending to a list and converting that? – Jochen Sep 5 '18 at 5:48
Great ! I tested and can confirm that this is much faster. – Floran Gmehlin Sep 17 '18 at 9:07
Note: for Python 3 need to use StringIO instead of BytesIO – Romi Kuntsman Nov 27 '18 at 15:04
This is the best performing solution I have found to the problem. Damn thanks for sharing this. Saved the day. – MattSt Jul 3 at 11:49