
作者: 冰菓_ | 来源:发表于2021-06-17 22:38 被阅读0次


    1. 同比环比的定义
      月份同比计算 (2021-01 - 2020-01) / 2020-01
      月份环比计算 (2021-02 - 2021-01) / 2021-01

    2. 在计算同比的时候要注意order by要对月份和年份都要排序,原因是lead 中的order by只指定了一个排序规则,这里都要指定,否则会乱序,这个检查了我好久的时间

    3. 同比和环比的SQL思路


    SELECT lag, j_month, order_price
        , (order_price - lead_price_basis) * 1.0 / lead_price_basis AS basis
        , relative,
    FROM (
        SELECT lag, j_month, order_price, relative
            , lead(order_price, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY lag ORDER BY substring(j_month, 6, 7) DESC,substring(j_month, 0, 4) desc) AS lead_price_basis
        FROM (
            SELECT lag, j_month, order_price
                , (order_price - lead_price_relative) * 1.0 / lead_price_relative AS relative
            FROM (
                SELECT lag, j_month, order_price
                    , lead(order_price, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY lag ORDER BY j_month DESC) AS lead_price_relative
                FROM (
                    SELECT concat(lag_country, bu) AS lag, j_month, order_price
                    FROM (
                        SELECT bu
                            , CASE 
                                WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                                WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
                            END AS lag_country, substring(d, 0, 7) AS j_month
                            , round(SUM(order_price), 0) AS order_price
                        FROM table
                        WHERE d >= '2019-01-01'
                            AND bu IN ('机票', '酒店', '度假')
                            AND d <> '4000-01-01'
                        GROUP BY bu, substring(d, 0, 7), CASE 
                                WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                                WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
                    ) a
                    ORDER BY lag, j_month DESC
                ) b
                WHERE lag IS NOT NULL
            ) c
        ) d
    ) e
    ) f 
    where  substring(j_month,0,4) = '2021'

    后来使用union all 把同比和环比分开显示,然后使用行转列,就得到了下面的效果图,个人认为是一种非常好的报表展示

    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '01' then relative  end ) as m1,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '02' then relative  end ) as m2,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '03' then relative  end ) as m3,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '04' then relative  end ) as m4,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '05' then relative  end ) as m5,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '06' then relative  end ) as m6,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '07' then relative  end ) as m7,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '08' then relative  end ) as m8,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '09' then relative  end ) as m9,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '10' then relative  end ) as m10,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '11' then relative  end ) as m11,
    MAX(case when substring(j_month,6,7) = '12' then relative  end ) as m12
    SELECT lag, '环比' AS j_lag, j_month
        , (order_price - lead_price_relative) * 1.0 / lead_price_relative AS relative
    FROM (
        SELECT lag, j_month, order_price
            , lead(order_price, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY lag ORDER BY j_month DESC) AS lead_price_relative
        FROM (
            SELECT concat(lag_country, bu) AS lag, j_month, order_price
            FROM (
                SELECT bu
                    , CASE 
                        WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                        WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
                    END AS lag_country, substring(d, 0, 7) AS j_month
                    , round(SUM(order_price), 0) AS order_price
                FROM table
                WHERE d >= '2019-01-01'
                    AND bu IN ('机票', '酒店', '度假')
                    AND d <> '4000-01-01'
                GROUP BY bu, substring(d, 0, 7), CASE 
                        WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                        WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
            ) a
        ) b
        WHERE lag IS NOT NULL
    ) c
    SELECT lag, '同比' , j_month
        , (order_price - lead_price_basis) * 1.0 / lead_price_basis 
    FROM (
        SELECT lag, j_month, order_price
            , lead(order_price, 1, NULL) OVER (PARTITION BY lag ORDER BY substring(j_month, 6, 7) DESC,substring(j_month, 0, 4) desc) AS lead_price_basis
        FROM (
            SELECT concat(lag_country, bu) AS lag, j_month, order_price
            FROM (
                SELECT bu
                    , CASE 
                        WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                        WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
                    END AS lag_country, substring(d, 0, 7) AS j_month
                    , round(SUM(order_price), 0) AS order_price
                FROM table
                WHERE d >= '2019-01-01'
                    AND bu IN ('机票', '酒店', '度假')
                    AND d <> '4000-01-01'
                GROUP BY bu, substring(d, 0, 7), CASE 
                        WHEN to_country_id = 1 THEN '国内'
                        WHEN to_country_id <> 1 THEN '国外'
            ) a
        ) b
        WHERE lag IS NOT NULL
    ) c
    WHERE substring(j_month, 0, 4) = '2021'
    GROUP by lag,j_lag
    order by substring(lag,3,4),substring(lag,0,2),j_lag

    同时我们要对多月份进行汇总计算同比值,如果在这些报表上直接添加汇总是非常麻烦的,需求也是易变的,这里要对每一年的sum(度量)进行报表化,分业务类型,这个报表是简单的,直接分别统计不同年份,直接 union all ,然后使用行转列转变格式即可,还是非常简单的,我们基于这张表来计算多月份的同比就比较简单了,就不用每次麻烦取数了,这张报表展示如下





