
作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-07-10 10:15 被阅读23次

Maximum Value(最大值):如果某个POV或DV测量值高于此最大值,SMOCPro将不使用此测量值。
Measure Disturbance Filter(测量干扰滤波器):用于滤波DV测量值的一阶时间常数(EXASMOC:滤波时间常数)。
Minimum Deviation(最小偏差):如果POV或DV两个连续测量值的偏差比最小偏差小, SMOCPro将不使用此测量值。
Minimum Value(最小值):如果POV或DV测量值低于此最小值,SMOCPro将不使用此测量值。
Model Period(模型周期):主控制器执行的时间周期。可以被定义为分钟或秒。
Online CV Tuning(在线CV整定):SMOCPro可以通过改变CV偏差或CV权重来在线整定。
Online Tuning(在线整定):可以通过修改MV权重,CV偏差或权重,模型增益来在线整定SMOCPro。
Optimum Value(最优值)(EF):选定EF的最优值。
Priority(优先级):CV priority定义了CV的优先级,其值可以设置为1~100。1具有最高优先级。例如,如果SMOCPro不能同时控制两个不同优先级的CVs,SMOCPro将自动打开具有较低优先级CV的设定范围,以更好地控制高优先级CV。
Process Output Variable(过程输出变量)(POV):过程变量测量值。用于反馈控制。
PV Check(PV检查):SMOCPro简化数据检查算法,进行4项测试:最大值,最小值,最大和最小偏差。
RAM:随机存取存储器; PC的物理存储器。
Remote/Local Flag(远程/本地标签):DCS PID的状态。状态可以是Remote (0)或Local (1)。如果有必要,DCS逻辑块应将DCS状态切换为0/1。
Remove Flag(删除标签):用于确定CV是否被控制的CV标签。(EXASMOC:从控制删除。)True表示CV不受控制。
Sample and Hold(采样和保持):SMOCPro算法总是无扰动的,也就是说,当测量由无效的变为好的时,观察者不必考虑新的测量。此标签在测量中强制使用。实际上,它是用于某些没有按控制周期测量的分析仪。如果为true,则表示SMOCPro始终在“颠簸”这个变量。
Set Point(设定点):将设定范围高低限值设为相同的特殊情况。
Set Point High Limit(设定点高限):MV计算的高限。
Set Point Low Limit(设定点低限):MV计算的低限。
Set Point Readback(设定点回读):DCS中的实际MV设定值。
Set Point tracking Filter(设定点跟踪滤波器):由操作员输入的用于滤波设定范围的一阶时间常数。
Set Range High (高设定范围)(SRH):设定范围高限。
Set Range Low(低设定范围)(SRL):设定范围低限。

Maximum Value:If a POV or DV measurement is above its maximum value, SMOCPro does not use its measurement.
Measure Disturbance Filter:A first order time constant to filter the DV measurement. (EXASMOC: Filter Time Constant.)
Measurement:MV, DV, POV measured value.
Minimum Deviation:If two consecutive measurements of a POV or DV have a deviation below its minimum deviation, SMOCPro does not use this measurement.
Minimum Value: If a POV or DV measurement is below its minimum value, SMOCPro does not use its measurement.
Model: Describes the dynamic between the process inputs (manipulated variables, measured disturbances and unmeasured disturbances) and its measured outputs (POV).
Model Period: The time period at which the main controller is executed. Can be defined in minutes or seconds.
Online CV Tuning: SMOCPro can be tuned online by changing the CV deviation or the CV weights.
Online Tuning: MV weight, CV deviation or weight and model gains can be modified online to tune SMOCPro online.
Optimum Value (EF): The optimum value of the selected EF.
Output: The EXASMOC calculated MV downloaded in the DCS for control.
PC: Personal computer.
PCTP: Process Control Technology Package.
Priority: CV priority defines the CV priority level and can be set between 1 and 100. One is the highest priority. For instance, if SMOCPro can’t control two CVs of different priorities, SMOCPro automatically opens the set range of the low priority CV to best control the high priority CV.
Process Output Variable (POV): Measurement of a process variable; used for feedback control.
PV Check: A SMOCPro simplified data check algorithm with four tests: maximum value, minimum value, maximum and minimum deviation.
RAM: Random access memory; the physical memory of a PC.
Remote/Local Flag: The status of the DCS PID. The status can have values of Remote (0) or Local (1). If necessary, a DCS logic block shall convert DCS status to 0/1.
Remove Flag: CV flag that determines whether or not the CV is controlled. (EXASMOC: Remove From Control.) True means the CV is not controlled.
Sample and Hold: The SMOCPro algorithm is always bumpless, that is, when a measurement becomes good after being invalid, the observer does not take account for the new measurement. This flags forced measurement use. Practically, it is used for any analyzer that does not measure the control period. If true means SMOCPro is always “bumpy” for this variable.
Set Point: Special case of set range where the upper and lower values are equal.
Set Point High Limit: High limit for MV calculation.
Set Point Low Limit: Low limit for MV calculation.
Set Point Readback: The actual MV set point value in the DCS.
Set Point tracking Filter:The time constant of a first order to filter the set ranges entered by the operator.
Set Range High (SRH):High limit of a set range.
Set Range Low (SRL):Low limit of a set range.



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