

作者: 狼泊弯WOIF | 来源:发表于2019-03-17 09:18 被阅读1239次








伟大背影 巨婴时代 垃圾伪人 性命 把根留住

The increasingly mixed Chinese contemporary art circle is like a group of blind people groping an elephant, which is the evil ending of a group of cultural blind people with egoism who are about to collapse while solidifying mutual thumb up and mutual interests.

What's going on with us and where am I going? You, me, him or the so-called professors and experts around you, or the real existence of self, can exist like a thief at any time and anywhere. To understand the meanings of culture, but we use elegant excuse to self as to relief of beauty, such as copying, divert, learning, etc., in the process of copying and misappropriate the learning, we naturally unconsciously into a thief or a robber, and also give myself a variety of gorgeous title, this is a secular, but the absurdity of gone with the secular is deteriorating in the flood, almost all people like baby, have such a not the end of the character position is the source of our system and our culture? This is a question worthy of our deep consideration. Art is the philosophy of natural growth, personal life or learn by copying or misappropriate the way such as access to the form of fruit, and if the former respect the natural growth of life itself, by self spiritual consciousness to save my soul, and this is a kind of light and hope, and the latter to get art by copying approach to learning, it is also a thief Taoism natural way. Today's thief culture has become almost a natural genre, an overwhelming fashion trend.

Respect, especially for one's own natural life, is the most basic moral bottom line. In a humanistic environment where fundamental respect is lost, hidden rocks are almost everywhere, and the real grand pattern artists are not understood and tolerated by the secular world.


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