20221103 Discussing the price商议价

20221103 Discussing the price商议价

作者: 魔君BYL | 来源:发表于2022-11-02 22:06 被阅读0次

    1您开的价也太高了吧。You're asking too much.

    2你们的报价太高,我们不能接受。The price you offer is too high.  We can't accept it.

    3我们的价格与国际市场上的是一致的。Our rates are in line with the world market.

    4我们的价格与今天的市场形式相吻合。Our prices fit in with today's  market situation.

    5与…一致,符合in line with…

    6与…相适应/相吻合fit in with…

    7您不能只看价格不看质量。You can't consider the price  separately from the quality.

    8您应该考虑质量因素。You should take the quality into account.

    9我们必须考虑商品的质量问题。We have to take into  consideration the quality of the goods.

    10考虑在内take into account = take into


    11价格减少5%如何?How about reducing the price by 5%.

    12How about lowering the price by 5%.

    13单价100元如何?How about 100 yuan per unit?

    14我建议降价4%。I propose a reduction of 4%.

    15这是我们最优惠的价格,不能再低了。This is the best we can offer,we can't go any lower.

    16这是我们的最低价格,不可能再让了。This is our rock-bottom price,we can't make any further concessions.

    17最低价rock-bottom price

    18这是我们可以报的最低价格了。This is the lowest price we can offer.

    19我们最多只能再减30美元。这可绝对是最低价了。The best we can do is 30 dollars off. That's definitely the lowest we can go.

    20咱们各让一步吧。Let's meet each other halfway.

    21咱们各让一步,分担差额吧。Let's meet each other halfway again and split the difference.

    22各让一步meet halfway

    23下订单place order

    24我还是感谢您的还价,但是我觉得这个价格太低了,我无法接受I appreciate your  counter-offer,but find it too low to accept.

    25我无法接受您的还盘。I can't accept your counter-offer.


    27鉴于我们长期的商业关系,我们将减少价格的7%。In view of our long-standing business relationship, we would reduce the prices by 7%.

    28鉴于,考虑到in view of

    29如果你仅仅减少7%,我们认为仍难以接受。If you only reduce them by 7%, we will find it difficult to accept them.

    30你的价格比其他来源收到的报价更高。Your price is higher than some of the quotations we have received from other sources.

    31为了鼓励期货交易并且为了表示我们的友好诚意,我们准备把价格降低4%。In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship, we are ready to reduce the price by 4%.

    32我们感谢你们所做的让步。we appreciate your making this concession for us.

    33但是我们仍然觉得它比我们能接受的(价格)高。But we still find it higher than we can accept.

    34我们想要降低6个百分点。we want 6% off.

    35为了达成贸易,我接受。In order to close the deal, I accept.

    36价格问题已谈妥settled the price

    37我们将等候您的确认。We will be waiting for your confirmation.

    38如果你能降低一点,我们立即给你下订单。If you could go a little lower, I had given you the order right away.

    -魔君BYL 20221103 Wuhan



          本文标题:20221103 Discussing the price商议价
