On Writing Well Day 8 Chapter 1

On Writing Well Day 8 Chapter 1

作者: MollyAllez | 来源:发表于2017-11-07 20:20 被阅读0次

    I. Words & Expressions

    1. lurk

    The feminist movement helpfully revealed how much sexism lurks in our language...

    lurk  v. to lie or wait in concealment,as a person in ambush;remain in or around a place secretly or furtively潜伏、埋伏

    eg. Your team’s strategy for winning capture the flag might be tolurkin the bushes for an hour until the opposing side thinks you gave up and went home.

    2. invidious

    but in the hundreds of words that carry an invidious meaning or some ...

    invidious adj. offensively or unfairly discriminating; injurious 令人不快的、惹人反感的

    invidious remarks/comparisons/honor

    eg. Fred was angered by the invidious gossip about his divorce being spread by his ex-wife's allies.

    3. demean 

    ...or that demean the ability of a woman to do a certain kind of ...

    demean v.  To demean someone is to insult them. To demean is to degrade or put down a person or thing. 侮辱、降低身份

    eg. I wouldn't demean myself be begging him  for a job.

    4. nudge

    many women wrote to nudge me about this...  satnd nudged... Most of the nudgers urged me  to adopt ....

    nudge  v.  

    1. to push against gently 轻推 某人来引起注意

    eg. She nudged my elbow when she saw her friend enter the restaurant.

    2. to move sth./ sb. a short distance by gentle pushing

    eg. She nudged the glass towards me./ Molly nudged me out of the way.

    3. to move forward slowly by pushing gently  (nudge your way to/through)

    eg. I started to nudge my way to the front of the crowd.

    4.  to gently persuade or encourage sb. to take a particular decision or action 鼓励、劝说

    eg. We're trying to nudge them towards a practical solutions.

    II. Summary& Reflection 

    今天的内容是昨天第十章内容的延续部分。作者从sexism, rewriting, writing on a computer, trust your material 和go with your interests 来详说。

    I never thought of rewriting as an unfair burden; I'm  grateful for every chance to keep improving my working. ... They think of it as punishment:ectra homenwork or extra infield practice.


    Nobody expects you to get it right the first time, or even the second time.

    Write about your work: teaching, nursing, running a businenss, running a store. Write about a field you enjoyed in college ...

    所以,之前担心自己写不好,其实是很正常的事情,也不要期待自己一次或两次就能写好,有rewriting的意识, 能够写自己所想所感所体验到的事情, 以及自己能够学会基本的修改技巧,其他的就交给时间,多多训练。



          本文标题:On Writing Well Day 8 Chapter 1
