Bfly 蝴蝶馆

Bfly 蝴蝶馆

作者: 香草蛋卷儿 | 来源:发表于2017-10-16 08:02 被阅读0次


Today, me and Emilie went to Bfly!! It was AMAZING!!!! The tickets were for 4 persons so we invited Emilie because in my family we were just 3. First, the animateur said to pass by the magic slide. In it was lights of every colors!!!! When we finished the slide (it was short)we`ve enter in the Kingdom of butterflies.

Bfly 蝴蝶馆

The butterfly chef tells us a mission to find the other butterflies we need and I can`t say it because one day, you`ll go to Bfly and you`ll know it! Second, we found all the butterflies, but we didn`t find Dreamifly (it`s a butterfly). Then, we started to like to take butterflies on our hands. So, we started to do that!

Bfly 蝴蝶馆

I`ve seen a lot of little butterflies but they just fly, so I can`t take them. I found 3 butterflies who were died. OUIN!!! And I saw monarch butterflies. It`s one of my favorites!!but I prefer the magnificent Owl (I think it`s his name). There are brown eyes on one side of his wings and the other side was light, flash blue pattern.

Bfly 蝴蝶馆 Bfly 蝴蝶馆

It`s beautiful!! In the Kingdom there is an aquarium with Nemos and… But Emilie, my dad and my mom feel too warm inside the kingdom so we returned to my house!!Before we get home, they gave me a certificate!!

Bfly 蝴蝶馆

My mom said that since we have been there, we`re not going to return!! OUIN!!!! If in your family your just 3, PLEASE invite me to Bfly!!



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      本文标题:Bfly 蝴蝶馆
