

作者: Tommmmm | 来源:发表于2018-02-22 15:51 被阅读0次

this parallels [ˈpærəlel]平行 what you are reading 这与你们的阅读同步

this tends to be an awkward笨拙的、令人尴尬的; expression 这个表达并不正确

the period of某个时期的 absolute rule really begins in the 17century and is to be found in those states that had specific kinds of social structures. 绝对君主制实际上起源于 有特定社会结构的国家里

in the case of 至于、 就…来说 England the civil公民的,市民的 war 内战 was largely fought ,to a great extent anyway trying to prevent England monarchy from taking on characteristics of those emerging absolute states on the continent. 在很大程度上为了阻止英国的君主制转变为欧洲大陆上新兴的绝对主义

there were two aspects of this. One is they extend their ability to extract resources out of their own populations, and second they work to increase their dynastic holdings所有物 at the expense of ………or by wars against their big rivals 竞争对手
extract tax 提取 征税

while it begins as a religious war between Protestants新教教徒['prɒtɪstənt] and Catholics[ˈkæθlɪk]天主教徒 it ends up being a dynastic struggle between two Catholic power expanding their domains,最终演变为两个天主教国家为了扩张霸权的战争

what it meant was that in principle ,your power was greater than any challenge that could come from those underlings. 下属

absolute rulers assert their right to make laws to appoint officials will carry out their will绝对统治者掌握立法权
assert声称,断言; 坚持自己的主张

but when you look at the long range growth of 官僚 as part of state formation 形成; 构成
long-range goals 长期目标

the get rid of these impediment [ɪmˈpedɪmənt] 障碍物 to their authority. 他们清扫障碍以巩固权力
除掉 摆脱

The …… has not eliminated discrimination in employment
淘汰; 消除;

magnificent壮丽的; 瑰丽的

to make a long story short 简而言之

the classic cas一个经典的例子
It is a noble insurrection against royal王室的 authority. 投石党运动是反抗王室权威的光荣起义. [ˌɪnsəˈrekʃn] 造反起义

Fronde is a kind of 投石是一种类似于……的
That’s really the defining moment in absolute rule. 那真是绝对主义确立的决定性时刻

there is always the sense通常有这样一种观点

goes to far against the weight of past 与历史背道而驰

in case of the England , one of the cases of civil war is the refusal拒绝 of the king to pay attention , recognize the right of parliament.

assert 声称,坚持 the right of poor 争取(保证)利益

it’s a tradeoff这是个交换

without their consent (同意n)

it expands the number of officials dramatically


in case of:
In case of fire, ring the alarm bell. 如有火灾,请按警铃。
Keep an umbrella in case of rain.

get in one's way阻挡某人的路

these just illustrate my point which is


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