Fewer Foreign Students Are Comin

Fewer Foreign Students Are Comin

作者: 程姑娘CC | 来源:发表于2017-12-07 20:08 被阅读15次

Fewer Foreign Students Are Coming to U.S., Survey Shows

The first new college class since the election of Donald J. Trump has arrived on campus, and new numbers confirm what the higher education industry had feared: Fewer foreign students are coming to the United States.


The number of newly arriving international students declined an average 7 percent in fall 2017, with 45 percent of campuses reporting drops in new international enrollment, according to a survey of nearly 500 campuses across the country by the Institute of International Education.

根据国际教育协会(Institute of International Education)对全美近500所高校的调查数据,2017年秋季新入学的国际学生数量减少了7%,有45%的高校反映新入学的国际学生数量出现下降。

Experts cited an uncertain social and political climate in the United States as part of the reason for the decline in enrollment.


“It’s a mix of factors,” said Rajika Bhandari, head of research for the institute, which collects data on international students in cooperation with the State Department. “Concerns around the travel ban had a lot to do with concerns around personal safety based on a few incidents involving international students, and a generalized concern about whether they’re safe.”

“这是多种因素的结合,”该协会的研究负责人拉吉卡·班达里(Rajika Bhandari)表示,该协会与美国国务院协作收集国际学生数据。“由于发生了几起涉及国际学生的事件,人们对旅行禁令的担忧很大程度上是对人身安全的担忧,也有对自己是否安全的一种普遍担忧。”

Another reason for the decline is increasing competition from countries like Canada, Britain and Australia, said Allan E. Goodman, president of the institute.

数据下滑的另一个原因是来自加拿大、英国、澳大利亚的竞争在不断加强,国际教育协会主席艾伦·E·古德曼(Allan E. Goodman)说道。

The figures released Monday also included final numbers for 2016-2017, which show robust international enrollment, with a record 1.08 million international students in the United States, an increase of 85 percent from a decade earlier.


Much of the record was driven by 175,000 students who have remained in the United States after completing their degrees, in internship-type programs known as “optional practical training.”

增长主要来自在毕业后选择留在美国参加“选择性实习”(Optional Practical Training)项目的17.5万名学生。

The 2016-2017 figures, though, revealed that first-time international students dropped 3 percent, indicating that the decline had begun before President Trump took office.


The drop in new students signals potential financial difficulties for some small universities that have come to rely on money from foreign students, who provide an infusion of $39 billion into the United States economy each year.



[可数名词, 不可数名词]

~ of sth (into sth) (formal) the act of adding sth to sth else in order to make it stronger or more successful 注入;灌输

a cash infusion into the business


an infusion of new talent into science education


The company needs an infusion of new blood (= new employees with new ideas) .


a drink or medicine made by leaving herbs , etc. in hot water 沏成的饮料;炮制的草药

[可数名词, 不可数名词](medical 医) an act of slowly putting a drug or other substance into a person's vein ; the drug that is used in this way (药物等的)输注;注入用药物

Particularly hard hit are campuses in the Midwest, according to the institute.


At the University of Iowa, overall international enrollment this fall was 3,564, down from 4,100 in 2015.

艾奥瓦大学(University of Iowa)今年秋季国际学生入学总数从2015年的4100人降为3564人。

Downing Thomas, the university’s dean of international programs, said that some other schools in the Big Ten are also experiencing declines, and none are seeing the rapid increases of the recent past.


(in the Anglican Church 圣公会) a priest of high rank who is in charge of the other priests in a cathedral 座堂主任牧师

( also rural dean) (British English) a priest who is in charge of the priests of several churches in an area (乡间主管若干教堂牧师的)主任牧师

a person in a university who is in charge of a department of studies (大学的)学院院长,系主任

(in a college or university, especially at Oxford or Cambridge) a person who is responsible for the discipline of students (大学,尤指牛津、剑桥大学的)学监

(North Amercian English) = doyen

艾奥瓦大学国际项目主任唐宁·托马斯(Downing Thomas)表示,十大联盟(Big Ten)中的其他高校也遭遇了人数下降,没有一所学校还有不久前的那种快速增长。

While Iowa primarily lost Chinese students, the University of Central Missouri experienced a sharp decline this year in students from India, said Mike Godard, vice provost for enrollment management.

艾奥瓦大学减少的主要是中国学生,而中密苏里大学(University of Central Missouri)负责招生工作的副教务长麦克·戈达德(Mike Godard)表示,该校今年的印度学生数量骤降。


(in Britain) the person in charge of a college at some universities (英国某些大学的)学院院长

(in the US) a senior member of the staff who organize the affairs of some universities (美国某些大学的)教务长

(in Scotland) the head of a council in some towns, cities and districts (苏格兰的)市长,镇长,区长

In the fall of 2016, the Warrensburg, Mo., university had 2,638 international students. This fall it has 944.


Dr. Godard said fewer students came from India partly because of a currency crisis in the country, but also because of concerns about the Trump administration’s travel ban affecting Muslim countries. India was not on that list, but Dr. Godard said many of the university’s Indian students were from Muslim areas of the country and were concerned about the ban.


“Although India wasn’t listed as one of the countries, certainly feeling welcome and safe and all those things is important,” he said. “It would be naïve to say that wasn’t a contributing factor.”


Prospective students from India — interviewed shortly after last year’s presidential election — have expressed fears about the racial climate in the United States, concerns that might have been heightened after the shooting death in February of an Indian engineer in a suburban Kansas City bar.



expected to do sth or to become sth 有望的;可能的;预期的;潜在的

同义词 potential

a prospective buyer


expected to happen soon 即将发生的;行将来临的

同义词 forthcoming

They are worried about prospective changes in the law.


A breakdown of declines by country was not yet available for fall 2017.


In fall 2016, the sharpest drops nationally from a year earlier involved students from Brazil and Saudi Arabia, which cut back on funding international scholarships.




      本文标题:Fewer Foreign Students Are Comin
