《The love of a king》Reader Respo

《The love of a king》Reader Respo

作者: 段晓艾 | 来源:发表于2016-08-09 13:50 被阅读242次

    Today is my first day to write the reader response. I want to raise my English skills.

    The major characters of the stories ,the one is the king Edward,the other is Wallis.Wallis has husband.So the church disagree the marriage.They said if he married Wallis,he couldn't be the King.At last Edward still choose his love .So he and Wallis couldn't live in England.

    When he left England his people said"Long live the king ,Long live the love". His love had his people's support.

    I love this story . I can see what is true love.



        本文标题:《The love of a king》Reader Respo
